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Two months ago.

"" the room is filled by their moans and grunts. Alec is sitting in the sofa legs wide. A red haired woman is kneeling down in front of him fully naked, giving him a blow job. His one hand is gripping her hair very painfully as he fucked her mouth wildly. She is whimpering in pain as tears kept coming out of her eyes while she still tried to pleasure him.

When he reaches his climax, he is practically choking her to death. He jerked her head away as his phone rang. "What?" He asked with a deadly voice like he is ready to kill anyone. Everyone would think that he is in a bad mood but the person on the other side only knows that his voice is alone like that.

"I will be there." He said before hanging up. Now he is glaring at the whore who took advantage of him. While he was talking on the phone, she climbed on top of him and tried to slide his dick inside her pussy.

He grabbed her neck and squeezed it causing her to get panic. He took a gun with other hand and shot her arm. Now she is screaming her lungs out in pain as he pushes her down on the floor.

"Who gave you permission to do that?" He asked calmly, pointing the gun at her casually.

She is crying historically as blood oozed out of her arm. "I-I I am s- sorry Alec."

He raised his eyebrow at her and shot her down on the knee this time. She screamed in fear and pain "I am sorry..sir. I am sorry sir please don't kill me. I'm sorry please." She shouted and begged but in return he just shot her head, killing her.

He stood up and buckled his pants before walking away from the body and out of the room while mumbling "so much noise."

While in the hospital..

"Ryan, how many times should I tell you. I will not allow you to be discharged, you need to rest." Siena said angrily.

"Hon, I'm feeling better now and you know that I hate hospital right."

Siena sighed "I'm not -" her words cut off when the room door opens.

Elora walked inside hurriedly with a worried face. She is wearing a black crop top and white jeans. She came straight to the hospital from college after hearing that her father fainted during the work hours in company. "Mom, what happened?"

"They said it was due to the stress El. But here, your father wants to be discharged right now."

She walked towards the bed closer and took her father's hand in her hand. "Dad, Mom is right you are overworking nowadays. You need to take rest if you don't want to faint again in middle of your meeting." She said strictly which only made him smile at her.

"I can take all the rest you want in our home, El."

"No, you will start work again if you stay at home dad."

"El, I h-" his words cut off when the door opened. A nurse walked inside and checked on him.

"Excuse me, can you tell me when he can be discharged?" Siena asked the nurse.

"You can ask doctor William about that. Here take this with you. I will come later to check on." She gave his medical reports to her before leaving them.

"Sweetie, can you go and ask the doctor because Harvey went out to buy medicines." Siena asked Elora handing over the reports to her.

"Siena, how will she know the way. I think you need to go with her." Her father interrupted them.

"No dad, I can find out myself. Mom, you should take care of him." She said softly before leaving them together alone.

She looked around while walking on the corridor when suddenly her eyes caught the cabin. She walked in with hesitation then sighed in relief as she noticed the name board on the table says Dr. William Barnes but no one is present there. She walked inside and sat on the chair as she decided to wait there.

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