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Elora's POV;)

Asher opened the door and went inside as we trailed behind him, although I was taking slow steps hesitantly. When he moved aside I was scared to look at another man hanging upside down but my fear turned into shock and worry when my eyes landed on the person sitting in middle of the room.

"Thea." I whispered as my voice came out barely audible.

Her head hung down as she was tied to the wooden chair. She was only in her inners and.. her whole body is littered with blood and wounds.

"Surprise" Alec whispered in my ear with little excitement in his voice.

I turned around looking at him with my wide eyes in horror. "What do you did to her?" A loud slap heard in the silent room as my head turned around faster.

Asher slapped Thea across her cheek and a whimper escaped her lips as she began to gain her consciousness. I tried to rush towards her but a hand wrapped around my stomach from behind and pulled me back to the hard chest. My eyes watered as I struggled in Alec's grip.

"Thea.." I tried to take her attention.

"Don't waste your precious tears over some useless bitch, Lora." Alec said as his hold on me tightened.

"You want to know what she did?" Asher started to speak while walking behind her and grabbed her hair jerking her head back harshly. I frowned thinking what she did to get caught in these monsters hands.

"She tried to take you away from us, babygirl. And she dared to say to our face that you are her friend. So we brought you here to show her who you really belong to." He ended it with a smirk forming in his lips.

I looked at him in disbelief. Is he for real? So she was here because technically she tried to save me. How can I be so selfish. I only thought about my family since I came here who totally abandoned me and I forgot about my friend who was practically dying right now because of me.

I came out of my thoughts when I saw Asher moving forward with the knife in his hand. "No.. Asher, p - please don't do anything -" I breathed in fear.

Before I complete my sentence he stabbed her on the thigh earning a piercing scream from her.

"NO STOP" I yelled trying to stop him. He looked sideways and locked his eyes with me while twisting his knife around inside her thigh. Thea cried out in agony. I kept wiggling in Alec arms while crying for my friend. "Please stop. Please I beg you." I cried while begging him to stop hurting her.

He pulled the knife out and the blood poured like water from the wound to the floor. "Elora.." a cough escaped her lips as she saw me standing in front of her.

"I - I am sorry. I'm really sorry, it's all my fault." I pleaded with my eyes but I doubt she could even see me clearly judging by the state she was in.

"Nothing is your fault doll, it's her fault to get in our way unnecessarily." Alec said calmly making me angry and disgust with them.

"Elora I - I'm - Ahhhhh" Thea tried to talk to me but she soon screamed in pain when Asher stabbed her again in her arm. He pulled her lower lip forward before taking the knife out of her arm and cutting her lip in one slice.

My body froze as I took in what I just witnessed. He again stabbed the knife on her wounded thigh leaving it to stuck there. "You monster leave her alone." I shouted while crying hysterically.

"Watch your mouth, Lora." Alec said sternly from behind.

Asher turned around, walking towards us. He looked at me blankly as he walked closer to me. His formal dress is showing the blood strain which came from my friend. He stopped in front of me leaving just a two inch gap between us. He lifted his bloody hand and my breath got stuck in my throat when his palm cupped my left cheek. Now I'm more aware of the blood on his hand than his touch. He leaned down and kissed my right cheek before whispering,

"Now it's your turn babygirl."

He took my trembling right hand in his and placed something on my palm before looking me directly in eyes. I looked down at my hand and my heart almost stopped beating. I was holding a freaking gun.

His bloody hand is holding mine and the gun is sitting on my palm. When I tried to pull my hand he gripped my hand around the gun tightly. Alec took my hand from him with a gun as Asher moved away, standing to my left holding my other hand.

Alec made me hold the gun before placing his above mine. As he raised my hand up, my eyes flicker to the crying person in front of me. It was the most gruesome scene I have ever witnessed in my life.

My best friend Thea is sitting there fully soaked in her own blood without a bottom lip. A pained sob escaped my lips looking at her with full of guilt and worry. Not everyone can get a good friend but I got her and because of me she was in this state now.

They had hurt her more before this and her missing toes is a proof for that. "Please d - don't do this, s - she did everything just for me, I -"

"That is the problem Lora. You should know that there is no one for you beside us. Not a single soul could live another day thinking about you, so now you are going to be good girl and kill her." Alec said deeply while aiming the gun at her.

"No, no." I shook my head while trying to take my hand from the gun but he didn't let me as he placed my pointing finger in the trigger.

I struggled but it only made them tighten their hold on me. Alec hand around my waist pressed my body more to him and my eyes closed automatically when I felt him press his finger above mine which is over the trigger.

A loud bang could be heard and the gun shot back by the force as my hand vibrated with the force of the gun. My surroundings fall into a never-ending silence. Not even my friend's whimper could be heard anymore.

I opened my eyes slowly as my chest heaves up and down in anxious. Her head is hanging back and I can't seem to find where the bullet went through her due to her blood drenched body. But I know one thing for sure that,

She is dead.

No human can survive after going through the cruel torture she had just experienced because of me. I felt lightheaded as they said something before dragging me out of that stinky basement.

Everything went in blur as we walked through the hallways. When the light flashed over us, I came out of my trance and looked at my surroundings. We are walking across the main door of the mansion before reaching the stairs. I don't know what came over me but I just used my full strength and jerked my hand out of their grip before running towards the exit.

The two guards who was standing on each side of the door tried to reach me out but with my speed I dodged them and exited the mansion. I have no idea what am I doing or where am I running but I don't want to be anywhere near those two psycho. They are the real psychopath.


I heard my abductors commanding voice before everything went black as someone attacked my neck from behind.


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