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Elora's POV:)

I was standing in a dark room all alone. I turned around rapidly trying to look out for an exit. A way out of this room. But this room doesn't has an exit at all, I couldn't find any door or windows. Just a wall is all I see. This room is closed with walls from the four sides. And the walls are painted in red.

Then I heard a voice calling my name. "Elora, Elora."

It was Thea.

I turned around suddenly founding her sitting in the middle of the room. My face lit up seeing her in this room. Then suddenly she screamed while crying. "This is all your fault, Elora. Because of you I'm in this state."

Blood was flowing from her mouth. A pool of blood gathered around her feet as her body is drenched in blood. "I - I am sorry Thea. I didn't exp - expect them to d- do this to y- you." I am sobbing looking at her wounded body.

"I regret ever became friends with you. I hate you because you are the reason I'm dead. How could you live after killing me? I hate you Elora." She gave me an accusing look which holds so much regret in them.

A pang of guilt hit my chest as I sobbed clenching my chest. "I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I'm sorry-"

I screamed when someone suddenly pulled my hand from behind. I looked behind to see the two guards standing there looking at me with lifeless eyes.

"We caught you. You can't runaway this time. We caught you and now we wouldn't die."

"You killed us but this time we wouldn't let that happen again. We caught you."

They kept saying the same thing in monotone like they were supposed to say those lines again and again.

I screamed and pulled my hand from them but I can't get out of their hold. Their grip is so tight. I punched them randomly and when I finally get out of their hold, I ran towards the wall trying to find a way out. But there is no exit. I was stuck inside this room with dead people who died because of me. I'm crying as I continuously apologizing and asked for forgiveness.

"Elora, my love." A voice cooed at me softly.

My nightmare faded away and I found myself hugging Alec tightly while crying on his shoulder. "I'm sorry." I whispered trying to leave him but he hold me firmly while rubbing my back.

"Shhh. It's okay baby, it's just a nightmare." I stayed in his arms for a while untill someone came inside. He pulled my face from his chest and wiped my tears away.

"What happened?" Asher came to us with a food tray.

"She is having nightmare again."  Alec replied while looking at my face darkly. They always look at me like they are in some trance.

Asher picked me up from Alec before settling me in his lap as he sat in the bed, leaning back to the headboard. My eyes went to my feet which is wrapped up in bandage till my ankles. It's been five days since I woke up after fainting in that basement.

I couldn't walk due to my burned feet. Fortunately It is a second degree burns which could be healed in two weeks but the scar wouldn't fade away for six to nine months, atleast that's what the doctor said.

My right thigh also wrapped up in a bandage. I am not even worried about my feet when I looked at my thigh. They marked me like I'm one of the product in their company. I felt so helpless and my whole life felt like a dream which I had just woken up from.

"Baby, let's eat your breakfast. Okay?" Asher kissed my cheek while Alec feed me waffles and fruits. They are the cause of my state but they are taking care of me like they are worried about my well being.

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