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Elora's POV

I was sitting in my bed, biting my nails thinking what should I do. The dinner surprisingly went very well. They didn't even give me a glance while eating.

Now it's confirmed that they are the ones, my so called stalker. What they said in my family's absence was really creepy. I'm going to tell them if they tried something to me but they didn't. So I'm confused right now what should I do. As I was in my own thoughts, I didn't even hear the sound of my door when it opens.

I got startled when I felt a hand touching my shoulder. I looked up and sighed in relief seeing my mother face.

She looked worried. "Here sweetie, I brought your favourite." She handed me a glass of milk and sat beside me. I sipped a hot milk and sighed. It is just how I wanted, medium hot and medium sugar. "Thanks mom." I smiled at her.

"I saw that you are stressing about something, is everything okay El?" She placed a hand over mine.

"I am fine mom. It's.. it's nothing you have to worry about. Where is Dad?" It was in my tip of the tongue but I can't seem to say anything. They are father's important guest and I don't want to seems like stupid because it's common nowadays to compliment girls like that. Maybe I'm overreacting. Yes, I should zip my mouth.

"He is in his study with them, your brother also in there. They are discussing about work. El, I need you to be careful around them. They are not the normal people like us. You should keep your distance from them. They... just don't talk to them unless you need to, okay?" She said in a serious tone making me gulp silently.

"Okay mom." I said in a timid voice just want to stop her talking about them.

"Go and change into something comfortable before going to sleep, okay? Goodnight dear."

"Goodnight mom." She walked out of my room after I finished the full glass of milk.

I sat there for 10 minutes before standing to change my dress. As I begin walking towards my wardrobe I suddenly heard the locking sound very loudly. I turned around with a frown on my face. But that frown soon turned into shock and fear.

The twins. They walked inside all the while looking at me. One pulled the chair from the table which situated in the corner of my room and sat in it. Another one leaned back on the wall, keeping his hands inside his pocket. They both have a straight face looking at me without emotions and that made me fear them more.

"W-what are you doing here?" I asked with a little courage I have.

"Come here doll." By his voice I recognised him as Alec. Then the one who is standing must be Asher.

"He asked you to come here. Lora." Asher said with a threatening tone while glaring at me.

"It- it's Elora. And you should go before I call my parents." Thank God I didn't stutter.

"You can call them whenever you want doll but do you want to know what will happen next?" Alec pushed his coat aside and pulled a gun out from his waistband. Seeing that gun my eyes widened in horror. I never saw a gun in my life before. Is that a real gun?

He kept it aside on the table and stood up from the chair before walking towards me slowly. It is not the careful slow steps but more like a casual predator steps.

"You will shout and then whoever comes in for help, in between us.. will be dead. I will shoot them in between their eyes in front of you. We will kill everyone who comes in between us lora. And the witness will be you. Only you."

I was in shock. How can he say that he will kill someone so easily. If these words comes from someone else I will laugh at their empty threat. But the way he said that is like he is promising that he will kill my family. Tears formed in my eyes thinking about that.

When I saw that he is so close to me, I immediately took a step back. But as soon as I took a step back, he gripped my arm and pushed me forward harshly. I fell down on the floor where his brother is standing. He came forward to me and demanded "Stand up."

I wiped the single tear that flows down my cheek before standing up. He grabbed my hair in a tight grip and pulled it back harshly. I winced in pain as tears started to flow down from my eyes. I wrapped my hand around his wrist which is holding my hair, trying to remove his hand but he only tightened his grip. My scalp is hurting and I feel like my hair will come with his hand.

A sob escaped from my mouth. "Please. It hurts."

"I thought you are a well behaved girl. What happened now, HUH? Seems like you need a lesson, babygirl." Saying that he turned me around using his grip on my hair. Another hand wrapped around my stomach pulling my back to his front.

Before I guess what he is doing, a harsh slap landed on my cheek. Because of Asher's grip on my hair, Alec hand landed on my left cheek very strongly. I sobbed in pain. The slap really hurts a lot. Maybe because this is the first time someone is slapping me or because of the person who slapped me has a very strong muscular arm.

Alec hand firmly wrapped around my neck, lifting my face up to meet his. "You will obey us and do whatever we say." Asher leaned down to my ear "And we will call you whatever the fuck we want, understand?" I nodded while sobbing silently.

"Good girl." Alec said leaning down licking my left cheek where he hit. I sobbed loudly because of the pain. "Shh, it's okay. You are okay babygirl." Asher cooed kissing my head and finally left my hair.

What is wrong with them? Few minutes ago they are hitting and threatening me and now they are comforting me.

"Now tell us who gave you the permission to throw our present." I froze. How did they know that? Alec's another hand trailed from my waist to south as he still has his one hand around my neck.

"I - I.." Words didn't come out of my mouth as more tears came from my eyes.

He squeezed my neck a little causing me to gasp and looking up at him. My head only reach their shoulders as both of them are in same height. I am trembling in their hold.

"It's enough for today brother." Asher said in a deep and amused voice.

"If you displeased us again. There will be no warning but only punishment for you, doll." He squeezed my neck  tightly.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I said in desperate voice.

I heard a chuckle from behind me. "All you need to know is that we are watching your every move babygirl. So, keep that in mind before you do anything stupid." As he said that from behind me, I frowned but didn't voice out my confused thoughts.

I froze when Alec suddenly traced my lips with his thumb. When his eyes fell on my lips, his eyes darkened. He is looking at my lips intensely causing me to shudder in fear. Asher's hand trailed up to my breast as his one hand is still holding me in place.

Before they do something I opened my mouth to distract them.

"I-I want to sleep." My voice came out as whisper in fear. His eyes lifted up looking me in the eyes. His eyes is in dark grey colour now which made it more intense.

But he ignored me and leaned down while Asher nuzzled his face in the crook of my neck. His hand cupped my breast and squeezed it. My mind went on a panic mood as I started to struggle between them but their hold on my neck and waist tightened.

"P-please, stop."

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