Twenty Five

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Elora's POV

My eyes widened in pure horror. God, I'm definitely not ready for this. "I - I am -" I tried to say something but Alec cut me off.

"Shh." Alec pulled my body to him and I gripped his shoulder for support. Our noses were touching as he leaned down. "You don't have to do anything, love. Just be a good wife and we will take care of everything, including your pussy." He whispered huskily at the end.

With that he kissed me slowly and softly while I felt Asher behind me trying to remove my dress. I felt their lips on my neck as the dress fell down around my foot. Now I'm standing there only in my black lace panties. And the next second I screamed in surprise as I was thrown on the bed by Alec.

They both started removing their clothes all the while looking at me. Moonlight is the only source of light in this room which is coming from the balcony door. I turned my head away to the balcony because I didn't want to see them naked even though I couldn't see them clearly.

Soon I felt someone tug my legs and I looked down to see Asher. He spread my legs wide after removing my panties and kissed my thighs all over and reached the mark he gave me. His eyes locked with mine and he licked the mark slowly before sucking my skin there. His fingers traced my inner thighs and my eyes watered at the feeling of being helpless. I closed my eyes immediately as I don't want them to see my tears because only I know how much they enjoy seeing it.

A small scream suddenly left my lips as he bit my skin over the mark. I looked at him as he mumbled "Eyes on me, baby." With that he leaned down to my vagina and kissed my inner thighs. He then pecked me directly on my private part, then kissed me there again before sucking there harshly. He kept licking and sucking while holding my thighs tightly. I fisted the sheet below me to control this feeling. While sucking he suddenly inserted a finger inside me making me gasp and close my eyes. He pumped it in and out as a tear slid down my eyes when he added a second finger while nipping my clit with his teeth.

When I felt a finger over my lip, I opened my eyes to see that it was Alec. He pulled my bottom lip out from my teeth before grabbing it in between his teeth and biting it. His hands played with my breasts while sucking my swollen lips. I moaned in pain as Asher's fingers were thrusting into my vagina hole roughly.

Soon that familiar feeling erupted in my stomach and I let it go when he pressed his thumb over my - pussy - as they say. He kept licking me there making me feel dizzy in my head. My eyes are closed as I breathe heavily while Alec is sucking and biting my neck. He slowly grabbed my hand and my eyes widened when he placed my hand down there on his body.

I yelped and snatched my hand away faster than ever I could. "Wh-what is t-that?" Eww.. I feel dirty as I had never touched anyone down there.

He chuckled before replying to my unnecessary question "It's my dick baby, which is soon going to stay inside your tight pussy." I can hear the lust and amusement in his voice.

He again takes a hold of my hand trying to bring it there but I was so hesitant as I don't want to touch it. As soon as the tip of my fingers grazed it, I retreated my hand faster with a gasp when I felt something soft and wet touching the skin of my fingers. They both chuckled at me before Alec was leaning down, "Soon you are going to beg me for it, doll."

With that he got off the bed, walking somewhere. Before I saw where he was going, Asher tilted my head, as he leaned down to my lips but didn't kiss me. He kept his one hand beside my head as his lips brushed mine. His other hand went down pushing my left leg aside. Suddenly when I felt something poking me down there, I freaked out and tried to move up in fear but his hand gripped my left thigh tightly halting my attempt.

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