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Elora's POV;)

I took a deep breath and pulled the hem of my skirt down before walking inside the dining room. I love wearing skirts but not in front of them. I tried to hide my body as best as I can but they restricted me wearing jeans or sweat pants. So, I'm wearing a short skirt right now because I doesn't seem to have any long skirt in the closet.

I walked towards them as they are sitting side by side in the chair. When I get closer Alec placed his hand on my hip and grabbed my hand with another hand then made me sit on his lap sideways facing Asher. I didn't resist it just like I'm doing for 2 days now. Because I very desperately want to talk to my family.

"Lora, here." Asher offered me a meatball.

'I'm not disabled, you fool.'

I scolded him in my mind before opening my mouth hesitantly as he feed me everything in the table. They ate side by side while feeding me but they couldn't keep their hands to them.

They kept touching my hair, cheek, thighs, arms occasionally. I don't resist anything they want to do even though I feel like I want to scratch my skin thinking what is their mindset while touching me. The only two things that I'm grateful for is,

One, they didn't kiss me. After Alec kissed me in their office, he didn't try to do that again. If I felt like the situation is going down there I would always try to avoid it by distracting them.

And the another thing is that they gave me a little freedom. I can roam around the mansion. Yes, this is a freaking mansion.

Yesterday their assistant Nick came with me to explore this huge place, so that I will not get lost. He is a nice gentleman who seems to be in his fifties. I don't see a single soul inside the mansion until it was a meal time.

Because then the bunch of maids suddenly appears out of the blue in the kitchen to prepare the meal for them.

And when I peeked outside of the mansion to take a one look I was stunned and terrified. It was so beautiful that I want to run around those flower bushes but unfortunately I am still not allowed outside.

I couldn't even sneak out of the mansion because it was surrounded by the bunch and bunches of guards who is looking more terrifying than the brothers. I flinched suddenly feeling something soft on my lips.

It is Asher's thumb as he wiped something off from my lips. "What are you thinking about, babygirl?"

"Nothing, I'm just feeling sleepy." I said in a low voice. He licked his thumb as his gaze fell on my lips. He then took a spoon full of cheese pasta, bringing it to my lips.

"Asher I'm full." I said softly bringing his attention from my lips to eyes. His lips slightly lifted up as he looked at me strangely, like he knows what am I thinking. I brought my eyes down to my lap feeling nervous under their gazes.

Alec tucked my hair behind while kissing my cheek, lingering his lips there a little longer. "It's fascinating baby how you can identify us." He said while kissing behind my ear.

I gulped silently. I can identify them because I could see the difference in their voice and hair although they are closely similar. Alec hair is little darker than Asher.

"Are you really sleepy babygirl, because we thought now you can speak to your family, you know." My head snapped to him shocked.

"N -no. I- I can sleep after that." I stuttered rushing my words out. In response he smirked and opened his mouth to say something but cut off by the ringtone as Alec phone vibrated under me.

He put me down by grabbing my hip on both sides which made me irritated but I endured it just for the sake of the need I want from them.

"You take her upstairs, I will be there in 5 minutes." Alec said to Asher before walking out of here.

After washing our hands, he took me upstairs holding my hand. Are they really going to let me talk to my family? Why it feels so surreal? But ofcourse they will give me what I asked after all I endured their disgusting touches for 2 days. They may look handsome and all but I am not that kind of girl, who will drool at the sight of the hot guy.

When we entered my room, my steps halted looking around seeing new furnitures. Now this room looks more luxurious and beautiful. A new big L shape couch and dressing table and..

Before I look around more, my arm was pulled from behind, turning me around as my chest collided with his. He wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me closer as his face was so close to mine.

"A- Asher, I need to -"

"Why do I feel like you are avoiding me baby?" He tilted his head a little and asked with a frown on his face. His face showing confusion but his voice speaks clarification, like he is testing me.

"No, why would I -"

"I want to taste your lips, babygirl." He traced my lips with his thumb as he looked at my lips intensely.

"I have -"

He slammed his lips on mine cutting me off. He sucked my lips hungrily while his hand grabbed the back of my neck pulling me more closer. His tongue licked my lips as his hand tightened around my waist. I whimpered in response as I rubbed our lower parts unconsciously.

A groan left his lips and he muttered in the kiss. "Open your mouth." When I didn't obey he bite down on my lower lip hard causing me to shout. He pushed his tongue inside touching the every corner of my mouth. I can smell alcohol as he kissed me ferociously.

"Fuck." I heard Alec voice and my eyes widened. I tried to push him to stop before something happens but he only tightened his hold on me while fucking my mouth with his tongue.

When he left my mouth I was left breathless. I took deep breaths but before I regain my senses I was swung around from behind. Alec wrapped my throat with one hand while gripping my hair with other and crashed his lips on mine, putting his tongue inside my mouth smoothly. First he kissed me passionately then his tongue lapped my mouth sloppily. The taste he left in my mouth felt familiar, the smell of tobacco. He smokes a lot I guess.

I jumped in my place when I felt a hand on the back of my thigh. Asher lifted my skirt up and pressed himself over my butt. I moan into Alec's mouth when Asher humped himself on me.

When I heard them groan, my eyes shot opened realising what is happening. I got panick and started to struggle between them.

Alec tugged my hair back harshly leaving my lips with a pop sound while Asher gripped my hip painfully causing me to stop my struggle.

"I had told you to behave babygirl." Asher said in my ear.

"I guess she doesn't care about her family brother." Alec said with a straight face making my eyes go wide. His grip on my hair tightened making me close my eyes in pain.

"I - I'm sorry."

"You are?" Alec asked mockingly.

"You don't mean it baby. If you are sorry, you shouldn't have done the same mistake." He said calmly like he is not angry but just disappointed.

"You are just saying it because you want to talk to your family, didn't you?" Alec said leaving my hair.

"I - I am -"

"It's enough Lora. Get on the bed and go to sleep, we will see you tomorrow." With that they left the room leaving me confused and scared.

What is wrong with them and why are they behaving weirdly all of sudden? I sighed because for a second I thought I'm going to get beaten up.

But are they trying to avoid letting me talk to my family?

How would I talk to them now?

I'm so stupid. If I had just endured it for a few seconds, then I would have get succeeded. Agh, God.

So many questions ran through her mind but Elora doesn't know that it's all just a very little part of their game.

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