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You look like a doll in that white dress babygirl.

This line really creeped her out. A very strange feeling formed within her. Am I having a stalker? This is the first question that came up in her mind. She contemplated in her mind whether she should tell her parents or not as she stood outside their room.

Maybe she is overreacting because what if it is from someone she knows and they are just playing with her. And if she told her parents they will definitely overreact and they will not let her go out for god knows how long. So, finally she decided that she should think about this matter tomorrow.

She went inside her room and immediately locked the door and window. She doesn't know why she is overreacting. She definitely should stop watching creepy movies she thought. As she decided to freshen up, she took a shower and wore red nightwear shorts and tops with black lace before she sleep. She pulled the bedsheet and snuggled into it trying to sleep. But sleep is nowhere to be found.

When her eyelids started to close, it wide opened as she heard a lock sound of her bedroom door. She didn't move and lay there as she tried to hear any other thing. Her heart is pounding inside her chest as it feels like she is in a horror movie. Her body gets stiff when she feels someone move behind her in bed. She opened her mouth to shout but a hand stopped her by covering her mouth and she got pulled back as her back hit his front when she started struggling. She used her hand to get away from his grip but stopped by his voice.

"Keep struggling doll, then I have to chop off your hands." Her eyes widened in horror as she stopped struggling when she heard his deep and serious voice.

Her eyes welled with tears in fear of what was going to happen to her. Is he going to kill me? She thought. She blinked her tears out as she saw a shadow towering over her. The man behind her removed his hand from her mouth. The one that is in front of her leaned down and kissed below her ear gently while she was trembling in fear as tears flowed down from her eyes.

"Fucking submissive." He groaned in satisfaction. His voice is a little less serious than the one behind her but she is so scared right now to think of any way.

She didn't understand what he meant by that but got anxious when their both hands trailed to her waist. She stuttered the words out shakily.

"-W-who are yo - you?"

"You have to wait to know that my babygirl."

The one who is laying in front of her said playfully but the name he is using is enough to make her feel terrified. Now she confirmed that they are the ones who sent that gift and the another thing she noticed was that their voice felt a little familiar. It's like she has heard their voice before.

The man behind, squeezed her hip tightly as he said into her ear with so much possessiveness in his voice "Our girl."

She is so horrified now that she is lost of words. What are they saying. Am I having a strange dream again? She is now crying more as she feels more helpless.

She tried to see their faces but due to the darkness of the room she wasn't able to see anything other than the black figure. One hand trailed down and found her bare thigh then he started to rub it slowly, all the while Elora is trembling and the tears kept coming out of her eyes. Another hand came up to her neck but not before it softly brushed past her breast.

Before she knew what was happening, they injected her on the neck as she winced in pain. She immediately felt herself blacking out. She can hear their last words not so clearly before she faint.

"Good night love." They said in unison.


Elora opened her eyes as she heard some noises. The sunlight is making the room more lively. She turns her head around to find where the noice is coming from and immediately sat up as everything crash her mind that happened lastly when she is concious.

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