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Elora's POV;)

5 days later..

I was sitting on the floor in the bathroom crying silently. This dim light is better than dark. To my advantage it is always on in here.

They put light in the room, bright one. But only for three times in a day. I don't even know if it is a day.

And those three times is when a maid bringing in food for me. The light would be on for 10 minutes I guess. Then it will went off whether I finish eating the food or not. When I refused to eat it they are not bringing me any food for a day.

And the light is off for full day. But here in the bathroom, it always lit up with a dim light. Now I'm sitting here hungrily since they decided to not give me anything to eat. Well that was my mistake I guess.

12th day..

I was sitting on the couch eating the food fastly before maid come in to get the plates. After that day I never ignored the food because I don't want to starve for another whole day. I gulped the water down my throat when I saw a maid walking in the room.

She took the plates and bowed me down before walking out of the room. I counted 5 in my mind then.. the light went off.

I leaned back on the couch going back to my thinking because I don't have anything to do other than that in this dark room.

I think I might go insane if I stayed in this room for few more days. And that is the point. They want me to go crazy and beg them to let me get out of this room.

Then they will take advantage of me, of my body. I will never allow that. But I have to think something else because I don't want to stay here longer. I have looked every inch of this room but there is no way out. Not even a single window other than that balcony door. But I can't even look through it.

23rd day..

I was laying down on the bed, my eyes are wide open. I don't know how many days have passed but I guess I am really going insane. I don't know when is a day and when is night. I can't sleep properly. I haven't seen them for days but the only thing that kept running in my mind is the last thing he said 'If you change your mind let us know doll.'

If you change your mind let us know..

If you change your mind..

If I change my mind..

I came out of my trance when the light went on brighter. The door opened and came in another maid. She is new. In these days I noticed that not the same maid is coming here everyday. After six meals, a new maid is showing up. I always tried to talk to them but they wouldn't respond at all.

But few days ago I suddenly got panicked looking at my blood strained dress. So I waited for a maid to show up and when a maid came in, I asked her to give me pads or tampons. She again showed up in 10 minutes and gave me everything I need with a polite smile. I was happy that I have someone to talk but she didn't come again. That was the last time I saw her.

But I didn't give up. I always tried to talk to anyone that came in and I tried again today.

"Hey can you come here." I asked in my soul less voice.

She didn't even look me in the eyes. Her head is down. "Do you want anything mam?" She asked politely.

"What is your name?" I asked annoyed by her response. This is not me. I would never talk to people like this.

I cleared my throat and asked politely "May I know your name, please."

She gulped "If you don't want anything else, I will take my leave now ma'am." She said and walked out hurriedly.

I sighed and stood up from the bed before walking to the closet. I removed the t-shirt I'm wearing and changed into a dress.

When I walked out, I saw the same maid lifting the plate of food which I didn't eat yet. When she began to walking out I stopped her.

"Wait." I said a little louder. She stopped in her track and turned around slowly.

"Inform them that I want to talk to them." I said with a straight face.

"What?" She asked with a confused face.

I took a few steps forward and stood in front of her. "To whom you are working for, by whom I got abducted and locked up in this room.. I want to talk to them."

Her eyes widened as she looked at me with a shock in her face. We both maintained eye contact for a few seconds before she break it. She looked down at the floor and bowed me before walking out of my room.

I turned around and walked into the bathroom. I washed my face and wiped it with the towel while looking at the mirror. My face can tell the story about the state which I'm in.

I look tired with a dark circles under my eyes. I just took the crunchies band from the drawer and put my hair up in a ponytail.

I walked out and froze in my place with a surprise face. The light is not off today and I can also see the outside world though the balcony. I rushed towards there and stood still looking the sky outside.

Tears formed in my eyes but I don't let it out. I have to be strong. I have to show them that they can't break me. If they want to play, then I'm now fully ready to play against them.

I came out of my thoughts as I heard someone calling. I turned around and came face to face with a man who looks like he is in his late twenties. He has a neat black hair with a black eyes I guess. I am standing so far from him that I can't see his eyes clearly.

I came out of my trance when he spoke again. "Please follow me Miss." He said opening the door wide for me. I sighed before walking out, following him behind.

We walked across the hallways taking so many turns. I tried to memorize the way he is taking me but the left and right really confused me. When he finally stopped in front of the big double door I breathed out.

He opened the door for me as I walked in then I heard it shutting behind me.

There in front of me, they are sitting behind the big table looking at me. I don't know what I'm feeling right now but I don't like this feeling at all. I may came unprepared, without a plan but now I have enough courage to face them.

I will do anything to get out of here, from their grip.

Elora is starting her own dangerous game even without knowing that she is falling into their trap smoothly.

She doesn't know that their game is just started which will hurt only her physically and mentally.

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