chapter 7 "The ghostly one night stand"

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The next morning

Ashley's POV

My head was spinning, slowly coming back to the waking world, I protested pressing my face further into the pillow I was hugging onto. It was so warm and smooth, it even smelled like a beautiful forest....with fresh rain.

....and mint.

Wait mint? Warm pillow?

I slowly sat up despite my pounding head protesting me not too, my eyes slowly peeled open to be greeted by the dim light coming from the window across the room.

They weren't black out curtains but still keeping enough out, with how bright it was it must have been midday at least by now.

I quickly noticed my lack of clothing causing me to freak out a little confused, I never slept naked.

What really got my attention and my heart racing was noticing I had been sleeping on the bare chest of none other than the last man I had ever planned to get anywhere near.


I shrieked covering my mouth to stay quiet, absolutely terrified I'd wake him by accident.

He was naked as well, only wearing the suppression collar wolves have to wear at the club's so their wolves don't go completely nuts if they meet their mate drunk.

I stared at him, both completely in awe of his sexy sleeping body and the fact I just fucked my very likely mate and highest ranked supreme Alpha member, drunk! I slept with him drunk out of my mind!

I had to push through my own paranoid fear to slowly climb out of the bed, he had an arm round my waist I painstakingly pried off at the speed of a snail.

Once free I could have died then and there seeing the marks on my legs, bites, kisses and bruises.

what the fuck did this man do to me!?

My legs felt so sore and weak.

I didn't even dare look at the rest of my body as I moved to the ensuite bathroom this room had, it was extremely fancy, a luxury hotel, I should have guessed.

I grabbed my discarded clothes on the way

Part of me would have killed to soak in that large jacuzzi bathtub and melt all my pains away in a hot bubble bath.

But that would have to wait.

I looked at the mirror mortified by my appearance, hickeys covering my neck on both sides, on my arms, collar bone, hell even my freaking stomach!?

Was he trying to eat me alive and failed because of alcohol!?

I hurriedly checked my neck for the one thing I was praying wouldn't be there, and for once my luck was finally on my side.

I checked for an ugly gruesome bite mark but found my skin still in one piece, sure it was covered with hickeys but I'd take that over being marked by this mutt any day!

I sighed relieved, feeling almost light headed by the relief.

I looked back at the mirror and got to work cleaning up my body as best I could with a small hand towel and basic body wash this place had, using the sink to do so, I'd have to wash my hair another time when I was safe.

I scrubbed my body, only being gentle where it hurt, taking care to remove as much of his scent from my body as possible.

Once I was done I dried off the best I could, hiding the towels in a wash bin the bathroom had.

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