Chapter 1 "Where my wold changed"

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13 years ago from present day:

Ashley's POV

It had been a typical normal day for me and my family, my mother was joining me and my little brother Samuel on a walk, she had been incredibly over protective of us since my older sister had gone missing the year prior.

For a human like me, that could either be she was killed by those mindless wolf beasts that hunt us, or in an even worse case scenario.

She was taken as a mate.

I shivered at the thought of that being the possibility, I couldn't blame my mother for being so worried, she had lost one child to the monsters, she wouldn't lose anymore. She had always said she would protect us with her last breaths, I always thought it was a sweet sentiment. I had no idea that one day that would be my reality.

"Come on Sammy! You keep walking so slow and I'll have to pick the berries all by myself! And only share them with mama!" I yelled to my little brother, he was 13 and quite the quiet child, me? I was just barely 18, I wasn't interested much in dating, never really found others that attractive, I was too busy taking care of my brother whilst my parents worked at their jobs, they didn't tell me much about it, just they helped the human rebellion from afar.

"Ash! That's not fair, you're bigger than me!" Sammy yelled after me with a whine but I could just hear the beaming smile he had as we ran.

The sunlight was beaming down on the forest's roof, its light peeking through, like soft ribbons that danced on our faces and skin, bouncing off of the nature that surrounded us, I could almost swear the leaves had a green glow.

I soon reached a clear opening that had a creek running through it, the water provided a perfect environment for wild blackberries and black currents to be growing, it was spring now, and I had been waiting all winter to make my mother's famous jam. She often sold it to other humans in our little village as a treat for us all, since we lived in hiding we couldn't get much from stores.

Not like we would be allowed anyway, humans weren't allowed to shop in wolf populated areas, especially ones without any IDs and records, which none of us did in my community.

"Ah too slow little bro, looks like I beat you again" I say holding my head quite proud of myself as I cross my arms, Samuel pouts at me, pushing me aside so he could get to the berries.

"Just you wait ash, when I get big and strong I'll be the one winning the races from now on" he said with such determination in his voice as he confidently started picking. I smirk a little leaning on his thin shoulders placing my chin on his head that was covered in soft sandy blonde hair, "awwww come on Sammy but you're so short" I say teasingly.

"Oh get off you big bully!" He said pushing me away with his, barely above noodle thin arms, unable to move me far.

"I've still got time to grow so just wait! I'm only 13!"

"Yes, yes you are, but to me you'll always be my little baby brother Sammy" I said, taking a berry from his hand and putting it in my mouth chewing with a wide smile, my dimples becoming visible.

Samuel pouted at me, opening his mouth to protests but I shoved a berry in his mouth to shut him up before wandering over to the stream, staring into its clear waters, sometimes you could find little treasures.

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