Chapter 13 "entering the wolfs den"

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Ashley's POV

The car drive was silent most of the time, it was just me and the twins, Robin stayed behind to handle things with the council and keep tabs on everything in case something happened.

It was 5 minutes to midnight, we had been instructed to meet in a clearing deep in the forested parts of the territory.

It used to be a residential area but reverted back to nature after the wolves took over, thankfully it left the roads still somewhat intact, that at least guided us to where we were headed.

"Are you sure about this?" Andrew asked as we slowed down getting closer to the meeting place.

I had my hair up, mask on and a couple hidden weapons on me, I was prepared for what could happen.

The only problem was my ankles, I still wasn't in any condition to fight but I needed to appear at the top of my game, if they knew I was injured they'd only underestimate me.

"Positive, I'm not weak, I can handle myself, besides I doubt they can hold me forever" I tried sounding confident to hide my fear, I honestly wasn't sure if I'd make it out alive from this, but it was my brother, I had to do this.

"Just get him out of here safely ok? I'll work out a plan to get out and meet with you again, we just have to be patient" I said, tightening my ankle supports. I hoped it would be enough to keep me standing or running, I really didn't want it to come to that though.

Running would make it worse, so I just needed to play my cards right and bide my time.

I knew I was basically walking into a trap, I did, I wasn't stupid.

Maybe a fool, a fool who loved her little brother enough to do this for him.

All I kept thinking about was Sam, his safety and well being, I just want to run hobe with him to Mr McClang and never face these mutts again.

I had already had the rebel leaders jumping on my back for doing this, but I managed to convince them I could make this work in my favour, though they were still furious.

Honestly I didn't care what they thought, none of them could do what I do, they just needed to trust me.


By the time we arrived there was already a large group of large black vehicles, Damien was waiting outside in front, my brother restrained and held by two other wolves, I noted them being his Beta and Delta.

I could tell they had been waiting a while, his Gama was standing close by holding some kind of tablet.

I wasn't sure what for, my guess was to document my surrender.

We slowly came to a stop, my heart was hammering in my chest and I felt sick and dizzy, this was the last thing I wanted to do.

I hesitated a few seconds before slowly climbing out of my seat and opening the door. My legs were trembling and I felt weak at the knees. I felt his eyes burning into me as I avoided his gaze, only looking at my brother.

I felt for a moment his eyes shift on me, my stance was leaning on the car door and keeping one foot slightly off the ground.

Too observant for my liking, it was like he was examining me.

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