Chapter 32 "Heed the warning"

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Andrews POV:

Things hadn't felt right since Ash had been taken, it was hard on everyone in the team, Robin was a mess without her, my twin sister had taken up the leading role of trying to keep us going when Robin drowned himself in his work, spiralling.

And things had only gotten worse after that mission of three we had carried out, me and Rose had hoped it would get Robin back in the swing.

Maybe we could find something about Ashley that could tell us she was ok, it was radio silence with her, we couldn't find anything no matter how hard we tried.

After that mission, things felt like it only got worse.

Rose had come across a lady that made her feel uncomfortable, and what Robin found made my skin crawl, it was disturbing.

And it wasn't what we were fighting for.

Sure we killed, mostly Ashley but she had her reasons, she was hurt by the wolves and I couldn't blame her for taking her danger out on them.

Rose and I had lost a lot too, our parents died from an accident that could have been avoided if those wolves had just made sure the area was safe, But no, the Alpha of the pack where our family lived was neglectful of humans, following Supreme Alpha Michaels example of his treatment of humans.

What we were fighting for was equality, and justice, that's what this team prides itself on, getting the equality that the human race deserved, getting justice for the countless innocent that's died over the past century, every human that was still suffering under the werewolf control. It was like that for all of us, but I understood for some it was more than that, especially for Ashley, her desire for revenge after losing her family.

I know she didn't actually enjoy the killing part of her job, no matter what others thought or what she tried to tell them.

We knew, us, her team knew she didn't enjoy the killing, hell she convinced herself she did, but we knew she didn't, she was just numb to the violence. She did have a kill count but it wasn't nearly as many as others believed, sure it was uncomfortably high, but not in the hundreds, not directly.

She was angry, we all knew that, but she didn't hate every wolf, she was close to Jenny even if she tried to deny it.

That's how we knew this wasn't something Ashley would have agreed with when Robin told us what these people were planning.

It was some sort of group, a collective, working secretly behind everyone's backs, they had to be, we had never heard any of this from any of the leaders. We would know, we are their ace team, there's no reason they would hide it from us.

They were working on a lethal toxin in both liquid and gas form, working off the foundation work of another couple who apparently died taking their work with them. 

They talked in code, they worked in small groups, no one knew too much, it took Robin hours to get usable information out of it all. But what we did know was, that lady rose met, she was bad news, Ashley would have been able to help but she wasn't here.

God what we wouldn't give to have her back, have her help, her guidance, she always had a plan.

We hadn't spoken to any of the higher ups about what we found, something didn't feel right, we had only spoken to Samuel, Ashley's little brother about the matter.

Though he was anything but little.

And that's where we are now, sitting at one of the bases here in Supreme Alpha Damiens territory.

Gathered around a bench in the courtyard of the base, it was an old factory building that was abandoned, we had repurposed it though, it sat in a dead zone between packs.

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