chapter 20 "stubborn defense"

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Ashley's POV

I stared at her sceptically, this wasn't what I was expecting, I knew in her records we managed to get that she was supposedly 'sweet and understanding' but I didn't believe it.

I stared at my necklace in my hand, did she get the Alphas permission? Was this some set up?

"You know I'm not dumb enough to trust you just because you returned my stolen can leave now, I'm fine" I stated firmly, I just wanted to go back to comforting silence.

I tried to put my necklace on but I couldn't raise my arm high enough to get it clasped correctly.

I winced in pain as I gave up temporarily and just put it in my pocket.

"I...could help you put it on if you'd let me?" She asked as she held her hand out with a smile barely gracing her lips.

The glare I shot at her had her retract her hand with a slight nod "alright, I read you loud and clear" she said but her smile never faulted as she watched me get up.

Personally I'd rather chew off my own leg then let another wolf touch my necklace ever again.

I hoped it burned any mutt who touched it.

Ruby's eyes seemed to gloss over for a moment before she let out a sigh, she looked at me just as I was trying to sneak away from this stupid red wolf.

"The Alpha wants to push up your check up, we need to go back to the pack house...before he comes here to fetch you himself, and believe me I can see that going horribly and neither of you being happy" she managed to get that all out before I could argue.

I weighed my options and I'd rather walk myself there then deal with the Mutt Alpha.

"Where's Meg and Jenny?" I asked her through a forced sigh to keep my composure, I would rather have them with me than anyone else.

At least they were easier to be around.

"With Beta Markus...he's still handling the, situation, from earlier, they can't come with you yet unfortunately"

I groaned running my hand through my hair for a second before taking a deep breath, I just needed to remind myself of my plan, I just needed to be patient.

"That bitch and her friends have it coming, if she doesn't leave me alone I'm going to make her wish she never came near me, she's obnoxious, she's bitchy and she started the damn fight" I said angrily, just staring at the ground.

"Let's just get this over with, then I'm out, I don't want anything to do with anyone today, if you want to make me feel comfortable leave me the fuck alone" i snapped as I started walking, cursing mentally at my situation, I swear I would pop a blood vessel.

This stress was not good for me. I swear to god I was going to self combust sooner or later.

"I'll see what I can do Ashley" she said as she walked beside me, guiding me towards the medical building again.

I felt uncomfortable, I looked behind me but I didn't see anyone.

When we finally got inside I was greeted with a familiar and overpowering smell, it was a little overwhelming and I swear for a moment my brain buffered as I stood there.

Like a fool so caught off guard from this smell.

"Ash?" Ruby touched my arm snapping me out of it, I smacked her hand away with a glare "it's Ashley to you...and don't touch me I'm fine it's just-"

"Ashley" the deep voice came out sharp and demanding of attention, sounding almost irritated.

It had me frozen in my steps and tensing, those goosebumps returned and my heart was racing, it wasn't like a fear but it definitely had me nervous.

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