Chapter 2 "A Ghostly visit from the shadows"

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Present day 8 years later

Ashley's POV.

The night was well into its typical cycle, the half moon was high up in the sky surrounded by countless sparkling freckles of stars across the night sky, some more clustered together than others, varying in size and even colour. The sky had been much clearer with the lack of light pollution thanks to the werewolves taking over, their abilities to see in the dark rendering most street lights unnecessary most of the time.

But this made it the perfect environment for a specific 'ghost' to make her way towards a specific stronghold of supreme alpha Micheal, or as Ashley liked to call him, the arrogant prat, as he had quite the ego despite only being the fifth in his ranking world wide, just one above the lowest supreme.

He was also the alpha that had been keeping a large number of rebellion members captive after a mission went wrong.

Not all missions went well, especially considering there were dozens of packs under each supreme alpha, this helped to spread the responsibility of keeping balance between all the common wolves.

Each alpha often handed over rebellion members to their supreme alpha, as they were considered a threat to wolf safety, sometimes being referred to as terrorists for some of their more violent attacks.

It was where the most secure prison holds were built, as each rebellion member had to be checked if they had a mate to a wolf, as they couldn't risk killing a mate to one of their own.

I personally thought it was a fate worse than death.

And I wasn't alone in this belief, many rebels would keep a poison pill on them in case of capture, I would have ones as well, but I couldn't leave Samuel behind, not after losing our parents 8 years ago.

I was 26 now and my little brother was 21, sure he was an adult now but I couldn't just abandon him in a world like this, not while we were still fighting for justice, I still had to take care of him.

My role in this fight for freedom started small, I got lucky finding out my parents were actually pretty important members despite what they told us growing up. I'm not sure why they lied but I know it must have been for a good reason.

Me and Samuel were placed in the care of Mr McClang, he had lost his home too that day, and was an old friend of our dad's.

With his help and the surprisingly highly respected reputation of my parents I started working my way up the ranks. I wanted to make those monsters pay for tearing my family apart, first my sister then my parents, they had the audacity to say it was in the name of 'peace' and 'order' that they continued to try and crush our resistance.

I started out just as a simple helper around the base I was sent too, it was on one of the Spanish islands near the mainlands, as islands weren't that valuable to large packs.

It was a fine home for me and Sam, a collection of cabin homes that had been built and buildings that had been abandoned. It was pretty well
Hidden and there were plenty of escape routes in case of being found, we would leave no trace of ourselves if possible.

After a few years my skills in stealth and being light on my feet were starting to be noticed, I could get around easily without much trouble.

I had always been a difficult child to keep an eye on.

I was fast, agile, flexible, quiet with my steps and could blend into the background, even unintentionally, which is how they discovered my talent in the first place.

With that under my belt I shot up to scout, then spy, then one of their best thieves.

I could sneak my way into wolf occupied areas, make my way to their buildings or homes, sneak inside and grab whatever was my target before quickly getting out again.

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