chapter 29 "puppy play"

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Ashley's POV:

The light of the room was painfully bright, I honestly didn't want to wake up, I hadn't slept well, after spending a night in Damien's bed I couldn't sleep the same.

That morning I had found myself cuddled up to his bear chest pressed into his body, like a love sick couple.

It was humiliating.

But I hated to admit it, but it was the best night sleep I've ever had, even with the nightmare, once it had settled and gone I had never rested so well before.

His smell was embedded into my mind and it was driving me crazy being without it.

I had finally relented and slept in the bed, partly because my comforter was gone and I couldn't get comfortable with the big duvet on the chairs. It was comfortable, silky soft and cosy, the bedding was incredible, I never had these luxuries growing up.

I still felt tired but meg So joyfully burst in to check on me, she had been at 7am sharp every morning since I got back.

Apparently Markus informed her I was struggling to adjust and lashed out running away, so she needed to keep a closer eye on me.

So I was back to square one feeling trapped, especially with a new tracker.

This time it would alert the guards or any one of Damien's main wolves that I was trying to escape.

So escaping again was off the table for a while.

I wasn't exactly listening as Meg rambled on, something about making me feel better or finding a way to help sort the situation with this mate of mine.

I'm sure if she knew it was the supreme Alpha of this continent she'd be talking very differently, she was trying to be confident for me, saying he'd 'better treat me right or she'd put his clothes in skunk spray'

As sweet as that was, I knew it was all bluff.

I frowned, pulling the blanket over my face, meg opened the curtains and the light was blinding.

"Come on Ash! I promise what I have planned today will make you feel so much better! Take your mind off of your mate troubles, I know you still aren't happy here but I'm sure this will at least brighten your day!" She exclaimed.

Grabbing the blankets and pulling them off me, I was wearing a long sleeve shirt, some shorts and a hoodie, I didn't think much of it as I covered my head with a pillow.

It wasn't till there was an uncomfortable few seconds of silence when I decided to peek out at meg to see what the problem was. I raised an eyebrow rubbing my eyes "what now? You're just going to stand there and stare at my miserable self?" I asked sarcastically.

When I finally realised Meg was looking at me with shock and concern I remembered why I never wore anything that showed my legs.

I looked down at my legs, one side had a nasty bite mark scar, getting good at my job didn't come with consequences, there were a few claw marks accompanying the bite, and some other scars scattered across both my legs.

They weren't too noticeable, especially at night. I'd wear nude tights regularly to hide my legs if they were on show.

It didn't bother me much at night, hell you'd have to look really carefully to actually see them in the dark. And most dresses I wore hid the worst of my scars, I had others but I made sure to keep them covered.

"Oh" I quickly swung my legs out of her view and glared towards her "don't stare...I know they don't look great just, don't ask" I didn't mean to be rude, but I hated the sympathetic looks I got, I wasn't weak I didn't need it.

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