chapter 22 "waiting for the time to run"

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Ashley's POV

I hated to admit it but last night was the best night sleep I had experienced since I got here.

By morning it seemed I had slept in, Meg had left a tray on the desk for me instead of dragging me to breakfast like usual.

Which honestly I preferred, I hated that big hall.

I hated the fact that I had slept so well, but last night was just what I needed to push and remind me of what my goal was currently.

My mission if you will.

I was going to escape this stupid place and make it back home, then I was going to make Damien ever regret even knowing I existed.

If he really expected me to roll over and submit just because we shared one dream by accident then he was dead wrong.

I felt more motivated to execute my escape now more than I have all week, after that good night sleep I was ready to fight my way out of here, I wasn't weak, I wasn't stupid and this certainly wasn't going to be the end of me.

Ghost wasn't finished, far from done.

I couldn't shower yet with my shoulder still wrapped up, but it felt like it was healing just fine.

I used some hot soapy water and a wash cloth to get myself cleaned up, being careful of my shoulder still, I wasn't sure if they could track me based on this body wash and shampoo but hopefully I could cover it.

I got to my feet and got myself dressed, as much as I hated the idea of my figure being seen here, tight clothes were more tactical than baggy ones.

Drying and brushing my hair was easy, it was the clothes that were the difficult choice, but also some deciding i made my decision.

I got myself dressed in some stretchy black workout leggings, a deep blue short sleeve top and a zip up black and white striped hoodie, some tight black socks and black trainers. I'd have to come up with something dark and tactical when I wanted to make my actual escape, moving in the dark required stealth, especially when your opponent had good night vision.

I tied my hair back into a low ponytail tail, some of the hairs framing my face weren't king enough to reach but that was fine.

Nothing a few bobby pins wouldn't fix, I'd have to ask one of the other girls if they had some.

I didn't want to look too suspicious right now, if I looked like I was about to run I'm sure that Mutt Alpha would have me watched 24/7.

Maybe I could put on an act?

Get some sympathy from Markus and the others, if I can get some alone time then that would be perfect.

And frankly a workout would be good, that little pamphlet wasn't useless after all, it had guard patrols on it as well as a map of this place, they were seriously just teasing the idea of an escape.

The workout room will be beneficial for me, not only will it be isolated during some parts of the day.

But it's also close to the training grounds outside, a perfect view too of a large portion of the pack lands that are down hill, which means I'll be down wind hopefully, which means it'll be harder to track me.

I still needed to get my hands on my blades again, I can only imagine where they were being kept right now.

My guess would be the Alphas private floor or some kind of weapons room.

But I could attempt to raid one of their weapons units myself, I'm sure they had to have some kind of silver weapons here somewhere.

If all else fails I had my necklace back, and I really didn't want to defile it with wolf blood, but I could and would use it to choke out a wolf.

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