chapter 33 "training gone wrong"

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Ashley's POV

The morning after my weird 'surprise dinner date' with Damien was well, not what I was expecting.

Meg had woken me up later in the day which I was thankful for, werewolf alcohol was definitely stronger than human alcohol and I had quite the headache. But either fortunately or unfortunately I remembered everything that happened, I'm still deciding whether or not I would have preferred to forget everything.

I was in no mood for chatter when Meg woke me up, so I didn't argue when she placed a tray on my lap with what appeared to be a simplified English breakfast.

She was rambling on and on in a hushed excited whisper about well, I'm not sure I was too busy eating my bacon to actually pay attention, something to do with me being her 'Luna' and how excited she was to be my right hand lady.

After the first five times of mumbling not to call me 'Luna' I just gave up on it for now.

"The pack will love you, but they'll probably be overly protective and cautious, you're human, I mean I know I've seen you show off some of your strengths but they'll definitely walk on eggshells around you" she rambled on as she sat comfortably in one of the chairs.

Now that made me choke on my orange juice.

"Excuse me? Do I really look that weak? I can hold my own just fine", I huffed as I got up stretching.

"It's not a bad thing! Most wolves see humans as needing protection because we just aren't as strong, it's just them wanting to protect us" Meg reasoned with me.

I raised an eyebrow at her before catching my appearance in my window reflection.

I didn't want them to see me as weak, especially not after what happened with Veronica, that bitch would shoot me dirty looks every time she saw me.

"Meg" I turned to look at her.

"Is there any training going on today?"

She looked a little stunned and confused "yes? Ruby and Eve will be leading the usual training today, why?" She questioned me.

A smirk made its way across my lips, pulling at the scar that deformed my lip on the top lip off to one side.

"Can you grab me some training clothes? I've been using every machine in your gym and I'm tired of not doing much. I'm a fighter, I want to join the training" I said confidently as I crossed my arms.

"Oh uh, there are humans who train too, mostly mates of other wolves, but it can be a little intense" Meg was trying to ease me out of the idea.

Though I was set on the idea.

I could work off some energy and make sure I'm not getting rusty, face to face confrontation was never my best, but here I could learn straight from the wolves, form my own strategies.

And any excuse to put a wolf on their ass always did delight me.

"The pack doesn't know you're their Luna yet, they could hurt you" Meg jumped in, quickly getting to her feet.

"I don't want them to treat me differently, I want to face them head on...besides, I don't want them to know I'm their Luna, I told you it's complicated Meg so please, just forget about it" I looked at her with my best pleading eyes.

She broke quickly as she sighed "ok, I'll get you done training clothes, I'll see if the others want to come too, it's a nice day" she finally relented.

I guess being her Luna had its perks, she wouldn't go against me if I really asked something of her.

I could use that to my advantage.

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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