chapter 12 "running out of time"

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Back at the pack house

Samuel's POV

The feeling of throbbing pain filled my head as I slowly regained my consciousness, the blood pulsing in my veins and across my skull, it made me feel nauseous as I slowly came back to my senses. 

Prying my eyes open I felt some blinding light flood into my vision temporarily keeping me from seeing my surroundings.

Eventually I came back around finding myself strapped to a chair.

It was the only thing Holding me up right now, but it also kept me from moving at all. Once I came back to reality I started struggling trying to get myself free from the restraints.

"I wouldn't bother trying to do that, those would keep a wolf from escaping"

I shot my eyes up at the voice, making eye contact with Beta Markus standing in a doorway in front of me. I was in some sort of interrogation room, it had no windows, only a Two way mirror. 

I'm sure they had to be watching me on the other side. 

"I'm sorry about the, well, less than pleasant form of transportation, but we're getting to the ends of our patients so please forgive the rough treatment" he said with that same smile he refused to lose.

"Why did you bring me here?" I demanded glaring at him, trying to hide the headache I was feeling. 

"I think you already know why," he said pointing at the table, it was covered in stuff, pictures of Ashley on missions, pictures of me while travelling, mine and Ashley's matching necklaces, my twin blades and both mine and Ashley's fake identity cards.

I stared at everything in a mix of confusion and panic, I knew they wanted to find her but they had really narrowed it down. 

"Come on, if you tell us the truth and where ghost is well go easy on your punishment" 

I glared at him more, I wanted to break his stupid face "I AM ghost, so just take me in" 

"We know you're lying," he said, taking a seat in front of me at the other end of the table, crossing his arms in front of me. 

"I'm not lying! I am ghost, you just don't understand how any of this works" I snapped at him angrily "why are you so convinced I'm lying? I'm ghost, the flesh, just arrest me already let's get this over with" 

"Because I know her scent....her patterns, her fighting style, her face....nice try though, but you're worse at lying than your dear sister" the Alpha spoke with a growl as he entered the room. 

He looked angry, his eyes darker, I could tell his wolf was surfacing with how thick the room's atmosphere suddenly got. 

I kept my eyes away from him and scoffed.

"That's it? That's all the proof you have?" I asked with a smug nonchalant smirk trying to throw him off. 

He didn't seem affected by anything I said though, his stone cold glare remaining the same, it was unsettling how predatory he looked just staring me down. 

"Listen patience is running very thin, my wolf....even less so" he said leaning on the table over me like he wanted to bite my throat and top it out, "it's been a month since I found my mate in ghost, that's how I know...I know you're siblings, you obviously care deeply if you're willing to take the fall for her....I'm done playing nice" he frowned before grabbing my throat roughly.

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