Chapter 6

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Jungkook's Age: 22
Taehyung's Age: 24
Daniel's Age: 21
Jin's Age: 25
Namjoon's age: 27
Yoongi's Age: 28
Jimin's Age: 24
Hoseok's Age: 28

(Finally, the present)

"Mr. Grim Reaper, Can't you be a bit lenient for me please?" Daniel asked as he grunted when Taehyung took him in a chokehold all the while immobilising him.

It has been two years since Daniel has been living in the castle and he usually trains with Yoongi, but unfortunately for him, the Security head is busy today.

In fact the security head is standing right there at the corner of the arena talking to none other than the crown prince about some things the king asked to discuss with him.

Which is probably the reason Taehyung's going even tougher on poor Daniel. The knight is jealous and can't do anything about it besides taking it on Daniel.

Jungkook isn't really paying attention, infact he is not listening to a word Yoongi says to him, he has all his attention on the arena. He is watching with a huge grin on his face how his boyfriend is tackling his best friend.

"I get it, you want to go to him, but please spare me please!" Daniel said almost crying at how hard he got slammed onto the sand.

"I can't." The knight said in his deep monotone voice and then left Daniel when he tapped three times giving him a minute to calm down and then stand back up.

But poor Daniel wasn't in any state to get back up,
"No, am done, you're too cruel, I don't want to fight with you!" Daniel whined as he lay on the ground face down.

Taehyung gently nudged the guy with his feet,
"Come on get up." He said sternly but his eyes were stuck to his boyfriend who was looking back at him with a huge bunny grin.

Daniel turned his face to look back at Taehyung and visibly shivered as he saw the little eye contact between the prince and the knight.

He really wondered, how was it possible that there wasn't a single emotion on Taehyung's face yet Jungkook kept smiling at him like he was doing a dance or something.

"Stoneface and weirdo!" He muttered under his breath only in a joking way since Jungkook is his best friend and doesn't mind it but he realised soon enough what he just did.

Because having almost perfect hearing, Taehyung heard him and snapped his head back to him,
"What did you just call him?"

Daniel slowly but steadily started crawling away in fear because he knew he was doomed.

But just as he moved, a death grip came over his nape and he was pulled back to his feet, before Taehyung literally lifted him over his shoulder and then slammed his body onto the sand.

"Do. Not. Ever. Call. Him. That, you hear me?" He added word by word, his words sounding more like deep growls and Daniel was quick to nod cursing himself internally.

Jungkook gasped as he saw that because Daniel's cry was heard from even far away. He didn't even acknowledge Yoongi standing beside him and ran to where they both were. Yoongi just groaned rolling his eyes.

"It's okay, you know how he is." Came a sweet voice and Yoongi turned to look at his husband who came to stand beside him. He pulled Jimin closer with an arm around his waist and pecked his temple.

"I know baby, but how will he ever be able to be a king? He's too soft. He won't be able to handle it at all." Yoongi said worried about their prince and Jimin sighed but didn't say anything because it was true indeed.

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