Chapter 29

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The thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies. It's a wound inflicted by trust.

Jungkook always knew this, but he never expected to feel it himself, and definitely not from the one person he believed in the most in the entire world.

And the worst was the acceptance because it wasn't coming to him.

Because he refused to believe he had been pushed aside and stomped on so hard, he won't be able to get up.

So he refused to believe it.

His steps started going backwards from the door, it felt like his ears would bleed if he heard more.

He shook his head and took more steps back before turning back and running away.

He didn't know where he was going, he just kept running and running.


His steps stopped and he turned his head with panic as if startled badly, his wide eyes stopped on Daniel who was standing in front of him, breathing heavily.

That's when he realised that he was on the training grounds. His hands shook as he tried to stabilise himself, but even standing up felt like something so hard.

Daniel frowned as he approached Jungkook, he was concerned seeing the way Jungkook looked.

His face was pale as if he had seen a ghost, and every tiny sound around him made him flinch like he was not in the right state of mind.

He slowly and gently put a hand over Jungkook's shoulder but as if that touch alone just electrocuted Jungkook, his knees gave up.

He went down, and if it weren't for Daniel's quick reaction of holding him tightly, he would have succumbed to the ground with a loud thud.

"HYUNG!" Daniel yelled panicked as he held Jungkook's body tightly with his arms wrapped around him, so as to not let him fall.

Jungkook's head lulled back as if no energy was left in him and it scared Daniel to no extent. He was so worried he simply put an arm below Jungkook's knees and another under his back before picking him up.

It horrified him that Jungkook's body was like a fluid in his arms, his head lulled back, and no matter how hard he tried to call out to Jungkook, he did not reply.

He just kept staring at the open sky with no response to anything around him.

They were alone in the training grounds since it was turning into night and everyone was done with training. It was just Daniel who had been punished by Yoongi for an extra two hours of training.

Daniel thanked Yoongi mentally for doing this with him. Because if he hadn't been there, then Jungkook might have been all alone when he needed help.

Daniel gritted his teeth when he received no response from Jungkook for the nth time and just ran inside the mansion with Jungkook in his arms.

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