Chapter 9

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"Prince, please walk slowly." Namjoon said walking behind him, concerned for Jin as he walked down the stairs in a hurry.

"No, I won't am so happy today!" Jin squealed as he ran even faster down the stairs.

The reason behind his excitement was that he had just received the letter of his dream. He always wanted to work in a botanical laboratory. And finally, he had gotten the letter for the same.

He could open his own laboratory now, and work in it too. He knew he could always ask for help from his uncle, the king. But he was someone who liked to play by the book, so he did everything, and made his dream come true by himself.

He was so happy when he read the letter that he fled out of his room and screamed all along the hallway in excitement while the guards in the hallway chuckled at his cuteness.

He didn't even notice Namjoon who had also just walked out of his room, which was in front of Jin's room, in his excitement.

He was running towards the security house to tell this news to his best friend, that was Min Jimin of course, the husband of the security head, Min Yoongi.

Jimin was the first person ever to match his vibe, both of them just really connected.

Jin always wanted to have a social life, and make friends, but because of his duties and roles in the kingdom as a prince, he had no time for that.

He had always tried to be close to his only brother, Jungkook but the crown prince was more like a closed-off person.

There were only two people who had ever managed to be close to Jungkook and those two were Taehyung and Daniel. They were the only people Jungkook could talk to for hours without a care in the world.

Jin realised it when he saw that Jungkook talked to Taehyung and Daniel very casually without breaking eye contact.

No one had ever been able to have eye contact with the prince for that long in a conversation, Jungkook is the one who usually looks away and then walks away in the middle of the conversation.

Jin understands that it's not because Jungkook wants to appear rude or such, it's just he is a big introvert who finds it hard to communicate with others and he respects that.

That's why he gave up trying to get close to his brother and also because he had found the person he could talk to all day.

Jimin and he had met the day Jimin had come to the castle for his job about two and a half years ago, that's when they got to know each other and how close their interests were.

They even used to talk to each other about their crushes. Jimin had a love-at-first-sight scene with Yoongi all the while Jin was the same with Namjoon.

Within a matter of 6 months, Yoongi and Jimin got married since Jimin's feelings were reciprocated but Jin had no luck. He had even tried to confess to Namjoon who politely rejected him saying he can't be with a prince and is only loyal to his job.

Jin used to talk to Namjoon a lot before but since Namjoon only gave very short answers in reply and showed almost none to very little emotions, he had started to give up on him. Another reason being the rejection of course.

Since then every time he wanted someone to talk to he would always look for Jimin.

He yelped as his one foot held his slippers down and he fell forward face first.

He closed his eyes and was preparing to feel the pain of his nose breaking when a strong arm wrapped around his waist from behind and stopped his fall altogether.

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