Chapter 5

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There are times when the king loves his son too much, his giggles, his little impulsive actions, his pranks, all of it.

And then there are times like these, when the king feels like asking the almighty, what did he do in his previous life to be a victim to his own son.

As he sits on his throne and stares at his son who's giving him those puppy eyes he is absolutely failing at resisting.

A demand as Jungkook had called it,
"I brought a friend dad, from today onwards he will live with us." Was raised a few moments ago when all three of them sauntered inside.

And the king was left speechless. He just stared, between the three, his son's knight, who was standing still as a rock with an expression, he had never actually seen on his face before.

And the most surprising thing was the knight did not once look at his prince, when all he used to do was stare at the prince even in front of the king, always making sure the prince wasn't in any kind of discomfort.

Now, look at him, staring straight ahead to the wall and acting as if the prince doesn't even exist.

The king wants to ask, but he knows they can handle it themselves. Besides, he has more pressing matters on his hands.

Another person stands in front of him, with his head down and looking stiff as a rock, probably scared of how the king is going to react.

Kang Daniel, his son called him.

The king surely believes, at this point he should just hire the prince as an employer for himself, considering how he keeps getting people from the outside world into their world and demanding they stay with them.

Even a few days would suffice but for life?

"Come on Father, you're scaring him!" Jungkook whines bringing the king's attention back to him.

He still wonders how long will he have to be a victim to this, how long will he lose and fall for those unfair eyes shining up at him with hope.

And how long will he keep agreeing?

Did he never learn to say no?

The king resents his parents for having taught him everything except for how to resist those starry eyes of his own son.

He wants to cry and ask his son, why does he torture him like this, but then again he can't ruin his image after all.

"What about his parents?" The king finally asks and he does not miss the way the third person shivers at the sound of it.

"They are dead." The prince replies with not an ounce of hesitation and the king resists the urge to curse as he sees Daniel snapping his head at the prince and looking at him with fear.

"But am sure he has his own house, Kook, you can't just ask him to leave—" The king, the poor father gets cut off by his own son.

"He has his house father, but he's my friend now, and I want to take care of him and considering how hard it is for me to go out, the only way I can do that is if he stays with us. And I request you to help free him of his debts too." The king's eyes narrow at the words, contemplating them, trying to see whether the guy is with his son for their money or not, but within a second he's proven wrong.

For the first time, the guy looks up at him,
"I know I can not convince you by my words my king, but I request to be seen by my actions instead. I asked the prince a lot of times to let it go but the prince seemed adamant. So the only thing I can do is agree with him, as the prince asked you to help me, I give my life to you my king, you can ask anything from me, I will never disagree, from this day on, your wish will be my command. I can work for whatever you ask me to, just please don't make me lose my only friend. You might not believe it but it is my only way of surviving at this point." The boy's voice wavers at the end making the king's eyes soften.

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