Chapter 21

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Taehyung stopped the car and got off, walking around the car to open the door for his boyfriend, but before he could even touch the handle, Jungkook had already pushed it open and gotten out.

Jungkook looked back at Daniel who also got off the car, when he felt Taehyung holding his hand.

He looked back again and suppressed a groan as Taehyung very gently pressed a gentle kiss on the back of his hand, which still had the bandage. The bandage that he had done himself and not let Taehyung do.

Taehyung looked up at Jungkook with that stoic face, his eyes softening a bit,
"Please don't use this hand, I'll do everything for you okay?"

Jungkook and Taehyung just stared at each other for a while, before Jungkook pulled his hand away and bit his lips not to say anything back.

At this point, Taehyung was guilty but confused too, Jungkook had never ignored him like this, he gets mad but never this mad. This was something else.

But he knew for a fact that there was no way he was going back to the mansion with an angry Jungkook, he would make sure this trip outside solves whatever happened the day before and mend things.

"The recent robbery happened in that house right there," Daniel said trying to break the awkwardness among them.

They both looked towards the house and frowned. It was one of the trade minister's houses. It wasn't too big or too small, but a decent house within 4000 square feet.

"What about the previous robbery?" Jungkook surprisingly asked, making Taehyung tilt his head at the curiosity of the prince, who was never interested in such things.

"It happened in that house right over there, that belongs to one of the ministers as well," Daniel said as they walked to the entrance of the house.

Jungkook and Taehyung nodded as they followed Daniel but suddenly Taehyung stopped Jungkook by his hand.

Taehyung pulled off the jacket that he was wearing, it was a black leather jacket with a cotton hood, he made Jungkook wear it,
"No one knows the crown prince is out of the castle grounds." He informed Jungkook silently while Daniel talked to the guard.

"The king's orders," Daniel told the security guard giving him the scroll with the orders, the guard was quick to open the gates for them.

Jungkook didn't say anything but didn't stop Taehyung too, with that they all entered the house of the minister ready to solve the mystery.

Jin walked back to his room thinking about what he had just done. When he came out of the King's office after a long casual talk with his uncle, he didn't find Namjoon.

Just Jimin was there, who as soon as he heard that Jin didn't tell the king anything, got so mad, that he left from there, leaving Jin alone.

Jin sighed as he felt like he had disappointed his only friend in some way, he really didn't want to lose him, but it was just impossible for him to do anything other than what his heart said.

Jin gasped as soon as he entered the room when he found himself pinned to the door of his room.

His hands were pinned on top of him and his guard's face was close to him, only an inch of space between them.

"Why?" Jin's voice got stuck in his throat at how raspy Namjoon's voice was as he asked that.

Jin knew what Namjoon was referring to, Namjoon knew he didn't tell the king anything since no guards came for him, to capture him or something.

It was obvious that Namjoon was surprised, but looking at his face, Jin was confused as to why wasn't Namjoon looking happy about it.

Did he actually want Jin to tell the king?

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