December 13th | Christmas Eve

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December 1, New York City, USA - Mary

The days flew by. I started working at "Cup'n Cozy" and spent most of my day there. I drove a few times with Carol and Sina to the city to see some sights or go shopping. I hardly spoke to Lenny anymore. He sat in the apartment all day, ignoring everything that had to do with Christmas. I felt guilty, as if I had taken something from him. On December 1st, Lenny's suitcases were ready in the hallway. It kind of made me sad. He would actually leave, and I probably would never see Lenny again. I found it more than uncomfortable that we didn't get along in this situation – and, even worse, that I missed him. Even though I didn't know Lenny before I set foot on American soil, I didn't want him out of my life. Part of me just needed him.

I glanced at my phone and opened the chat between Josh and me. Three days ago, he had last written to me, "I miss you. " I had not answered him. Because that day, I knew I hadn't missed him. I had hardly wasted a thought on him. I hadn't thought about Josh, the boy I wanted to marry a few weeks ago. But now when I thought of being with him forever, an icy shiver ran over my back. I was a bad friend. But it's only ever been Josh since I was in high school. We had been together for three years. My friends envied me . And I threw it all away within two days. And in spite of everything, I didn't want to lose Lenny. For two days I had felt alive. I had felt safe and secure when I spent time with Lenny. I'd never found that feeling in Josh. I was just getting used to him being there. Slowly I typed a message into the chat, but immediately deleted it again. I just couldn't. And I didn't know what to do next.

When the sun rose the next morning, I still hadn't closed my eyes. I had actually written Josh a note in which I had told him what had happened in the last few days. Except for the part with Lenny, of course. Since there were 30 hours between us he had actually been awake and we had even telephoned in the end. I hated playing happy. I had acted as if nothing had happened and as if I still loved him so much. In the end, Josh even suggested that he visit me here for Christmas. I had turned him down, arguing that I didn't want to trust him to make the effort, and I'm sure Carol wouldn't approve of it. I knew Carol would probably let me do anything as long as I asked her. But that was the first moment I was happy to be far away from Josh. So I didn't have to look at him. It helped me, even if it made me feel bad myself. I wouldn't tell him, then everything would be fine. Then I wouldn't have to explain anything to him. But it didn't make me happier.

That night, I decided to go out to dinner alone. Even though I loved Carol, Lenny and Sina, I needed some time to myself. For this reason, I walked a little along the block and finally discovered a small, very cozy café. It kind of reminded me of the Cup'n cozy, even if it wasn't so extraordinary for a long time. I opened the shop door and a small bell announced me. I took a quick look around. The whole cafe was overflowing with Christmas decorations and the whole store was red and white. It seemed like the perfect cafe for that time. So I stepped up to the counter and looked at the offer. Finally, I decided on a coffee latte and a cinnamon snail. I ordered at the waitress who was a girl who had to be about my age. Her long black hair was tied to a deep ponytail, and her grey eyes sparkled in the light of the store. She smiled kindly at me.

Then I sat down at one of the tables and looked outside, where the snow was slowly falling. The speakers in the café quietly played some Christmas carols and I only heard a quiet conversation between two girls sitting at the other end of the tables. Otherwise, the store was empty. The waitress brought me my order. I thanked you politely. She looked around the shop for a moment and then quickly sat down opposite me. "Is it okay if I sit here?" she asked, and I nodded in surprise. "I am Edith. ", she introduced herself and formally held out her hand to me. "Mary. ", I gave back and sipped my coffee. After all, I spent the next half hour getting to know a real New Yorker. Edith was an open-minded girl, with a lot to tell. I was glad she spoke to me.



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