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A/N: Readers asked for a fast update. So here it is. I drafted it so quickly. Don't mind my mistakes. The next chapter also come out soon. Vote and comment more. Really inspires a lot. (Don't get stressed because it's just your author's imagination. So ENJOY!!!😊)


Mac was about to push the other outside but Kinn grabbed his hand. Mac immediately withdrew his hand.

"Don't touch me!.. I'm sorry... I don't want any more mess in my life."

"Macau... Please listen to me first before you push me away... I've a lot of things to say and explain."

"I think I've already made myself clear. I don't need anything from anyone. I don't need your explanation or I don't want to recall whatever happened. Please.. I'm already happy with my life."

"But I'm not happy... I'm not happy enough. The guilt is killing me everyday. I want to fix everything again."

"Please Mr. Kinn... you don't need to fix anything. And I'm not saying that you're the reason for everything... it was my stepsister. She planned everything. It wasn't your fault. I'm not accusing you of anything."

"But I can't deny that everything happened because of my carelessness. Please hear me out."



Kinn insisted more. Mac just collapsed on the couch. Kinn kneeled down before the younger and held his two hands tight.

Kinn started after a bit of pause.

"Well... that night I was also drunk... the person supposed to be one of my client's sons. In the end I came to know that it wasn't him. I got tensed. Everything was like a puzzle... Within a few days my manager found your address.
But you were already gone. Your father refused to say any words ... I didn't know that one night would ruined your life like this. I wasn't aware that you were gone because of me....
Nafter someday everything went normal again until I found the reason and what happened with you later... my guilt was killing me inside. I pressured your father to make you come back. I wanted to say everything to you."

"I told you.. it wasn't your fault either. You didn't force me. It was an accident and my sister intentionally sent me to your room. We were drunk and that happened. I never accused you for this rather than my fate. You don't need to apologize."

Mac said with a soft tone.

"No... I'm not apologizing with a single word. Because I want to fix everything. I want to give you what you deserve. I want to marry you, Macau."

Mac wanted to withdraw his hands but Kinn's strong grip didn't let him.

"No... don't say this... I don't wanna get married."

"But why? Do you love that person?"

"No.. I don't love him anymore... I just don't want anything else in my life. I'm already happy enough with my daughter. Furthermore I don't want anyone to show me sympathy."

"Macau... please don't say like this... I'm not showing you sympathy. I know you're strong enough. You're happy but I'm not. I want to be happy with someone like you. I've never been in love. But after seeing you I think I want someone like you in my life."

"It's not possible..."

"But why?.. I don't know why you're denying. Do you think I'm not capable enough to take care of you and your daughter?"

"I just... I just don't know... I struggled enough since my pregnancy to raise my daughter... I don't want to... face more."

Kinn gets a bit shocked when he heard about Mac's pregnancy.

"Macau... Mik... Mik is my..."

Kinn looks at the other with a questioning expression. Mac slightly nodded his head.

"Yeah... she's... your daughter."

Mac cries out more as for Kinn he can't even control his tears. Kinn immediately pulled the younger into his embrace.

Mac cries hard over the elders shoulder. They stayed like this for some time.

"I've faced criticism. If I marry someone like you people will say worse about me again."

"Why are you afraid of the world? Just care about our daughter. All these years she was away from me... my daughter... my own blood... she needs us. I'm her father too...."

Kinn faced Mac and caressed his cheeks.

"Please.. I beg you... don't apart me from her. I've the right to stay with her... Macau... I'm not forcing you to marry me. I know you don't love me. But I want you to love me on your own. I want to know about you about our daughter. I want to have a beautiful family with you guys... can't we make it?"

Mac is silent still sobbing. He doesn't know what to say. Of course Kinn has a right over Mik as she's also a part of him.

"I... can't fight back against the world."

"Macau... from now on I'll be staying at your side. We'll face everything together. Please give me a chance to prove myself. You've already fight enough. Now it's my turn to fight for us... I'm sorry for everything. I took so long to find you... I know a single sorry can't express how I feel but I want to give us a chance... please..."

"I won't get hurt anymore, right?"

"I promise... I'll take the utmost care of my two angels."

Kinn nodded and wipes away the tears. Mac can't help but hugged the other tightly.

It's still hard for him but after all these upside-downs in his life.

He is just trying to give himself a chance to forget every sorrows and to be truly happy again with his daughter and a man he wants to trust.


(To be continued...)

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