My Alpha Mates (KinnKimMac)

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Short story ~ Kinn x Kim x Mac


⚠️Story will contain m-preg & werewolf

Mac's POV _

Little did I expect that my life would belong to two Parsons. Two dominative alphas. Who were already bonded and I became their one and only human mate.

Everything starts when my encounter happens with them on a full moon night.


I moved into this small town surrounded by a jungle with my dad 8 months ago after dad brought a small house here. My mom died giving birth to me. My dad was my one and only family.

I haven't finished my graduation. I started working with my dad to earn some for our livelihood.

My dad was a tailor. After moving here we started a small cloth shop. I learned embroidery from him.

This work seems a bit girly as my previous friends always mocked me for this but I really love doing it.

A few weeks in this town Our life was going simply until my dad, my one and only hope for living, died in a car accident. A drunken man ran over his car and took away my dad from me.

My whole world fell apart. I didn't know anyone here. The funeral rituals and all I had to do everything on my own. I couldn't express How lonely I was.

I was walking back to my house after I buried my dad. The house was totally silent. My feet almost gave up.

I laid down on the floor.

I don't know how I passed that night. 3 days later I started to arrange my dad's shop.

I didn't want to work or make food or anything.

I went out at night. The jungle is behind my house. Dad and I used to go there to catch some fish in the river, flowing through this jungle.

I didn't know why I wanted to visit that place on that full moon night. The path was easily visible because of the moonlight.

I sat down on the big rock.

I left no one. My tears were flowing. Why was God making me suffer like this?

Then a strange sound came from behind the bush. I looked around but nothing was there. Howling sounds were coming.

Suddenly something jumped upon me. Something like a beast. It was dark. All I was seeing was a dark giant figure. I pushed it then fell into the river.

I didn't know why I shouted for help when I knew no one was around.

I tried to swim but the current was fast. I almost drowned. The current floated me away.

I opened my eyes and found myself laying on the stream rocks. The current was slow. My body got scratches and buries. The cold weather at night with wet clothes was making me shiver.


I screamed my damn lungs out.

I managed to stand up. I didn't know where I was. So it was hard to find a way back home.

It was past midnight. I started walking through the jungle. My body was Trembling with fear. If that thing came again!

My legs almost gave up. Then I saw a light. Maybe someone lit fire.

I run through that direction. When I reached the spot I discovered something I wasn't expecting at all.

Two men were laying over each other totally nude.

Well I disturbed their sweet moment I guessed.

I tiptoed one step back but they were already aware of my presence. They got up and looked at me.

Their eyes were golden brown. Both stared at me like they were gonna eat me alive.

I gulped down.

"Soo.. sooorryy... I.. I didn't mean to... I didn't see anything.."

They glanced at my eyes. The eye color changed a bit. They looked at each other then shifted their gaze at me again.

"I think... I shouldn't stay.. here... Sorry for.. interrupt.."

I took a few running steps but one of them suddenly appeared in front of me and I hit his broad chest. I was about to fall backwards and again my back hit another hard ground.

I flinched.

One moved closer to me and sniffed my neck. His warm breathing made me flinch again.

It felt awkward. Indeed this situation was totally awkward. My head was spinning. I collapsed.

I didn't remember anything after that.

When I opened my eyes I felt warm. It took me a moment to realize that I was pressed against someone's bare chest.

I looked at his eyes. I must admit that I witnessed such beauty.

WHAT!! Why he's holding me like this?! What the hell is going on with me?!!

The other one was lighting the fire.

"Who.. who are you guys?!"

"Your Alpha mates. I'm Kim. And he's Kinn. You're now bonded with us."

I gulped down. I didn't understand what he was talking about.

What does he mean by I'm bonded with them?!

"I think... I gotta.. go.."

I struggled between his arms.

"Stop moving.. you're cold. You need warmth."

"But this is... Let me go.."

"We can't."

The other replied from behind.

They smirked. Their teeth were sharp. The one I was sticking to his body was warmer than humans. They didn't seem like humans.

"You're.. not.. human .."

The other I mean Kinn suddenly turned into.. a werewolf.


I screamed again. I thought my life would end at that moment.

"Don't... Don't hurt me... "

I fainted again.


This is how I met them.


A/N: let me know how much you guys like this part.

Thanks for reading :⁠-⁠)

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