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Kim doesn't understand what is happening. Why Pete is behaving like this. But he hugged Pete tight. Pete tried to push away but Kim didn't let him.

"Stop crying please... Tell me what's wrong... Please Pete..."

"I'm sorry... Kim... I'm sorry..."

"Why are you apologizing?!.. please don't cry... I hate tears in your eyes... Don't cry please... "

Kim cupped Pete's face.

"I'm hurt Kimhan..."

"Is it because of me?!.. did I do anything wrong?"

"No... It's not you... It's my stupid heart... It crossed the line which it shouldn't have.. I'm sorry.. I gotta go..."

Pete steps a bit forward but Kim got his wrist.

"Pete... No... You should tell me everything clearly... You can't leave me in confusion like this... I promise I'll make everything right... Just tell me damnit!"

Pete signed one heavy breath and turned around. His eyes are still red.

Pete wrapped his arms around Kim's neck and pressed his lips against the other. It was so sudden that Kim needed some time to process the situation.

His eyes are wide open. The cold rain is falling hard over their skin. But Pete's soft lips are over him giving a warmth.

Pete moves his lips a bit and then Kim realize that his best friend is kissing him. Kim is shocked but he couldn't pulled himself back. He moves his lips as well.

His arms captured Pete's tiny waist. Both deepen the kiss and Kim's tongue slides inside Pete's mouth. They exchange the saliva and their taste.

They run out of breath but still it's not enough. Then Pete pulled back. Their foreheads are together trying to catch the breath.

The two best friends shared their first kiss together.

Pete is crying. Kim's eyes are teary now.

"I... I love you... Kimhan... Your best friend loves you more than a friend... For years.. and I can't see you with someone else... It fuckin' hurts... I'm sorry..."

Pete immediately broke their hug and run off as fast as he can. Kim followed him.


But Pete is gone. Kim is standing at the seashore... Alone when the rain is falling over him.


This was the last time they met before years.


They're looking at each other as the memories flashed in front of their eyes. Pete broke the eye contact.

"I'm sorry for my childish behavior.. Let it go Kimhan... It was years ago."

Pete smiles but somehow this hurts Kim.

Kim just nodded.

"Don't you wanna go home?"

"No after a long time I visit this place. I missed it a lot. I wanna stay for some time... Hugh! I missed this place and seeing stars like this."

Pete lay down on the floor and looked at the sky. Stars are twinkling brightly. Kim glanced at him for a moment and rested his head over Pete's tummy like they used to.

Pete didn't move just let Kim lay down.

"I missed seeing stars like this as well."

Pete smiles a bit at Kim's words. His hand is caressing Kim's hair softly but he didn't realize that he's caressing the other.

They stay like this. Silent. Kim has lots of things to say but couldn't. Pete's heart still beats for this person but he doesn't know what to do now.

They fall asleep.


The next morning _

Kim wakes up hugging the person next to him. When he sees Pete between his arms it feels like a dream. Pete is moving slightly finding his way in Kim's warm embrace to get rid of the cold wind.

Kim hugged him more tightly. He can smell the aroma of the other. He missed this hug, this smell, this warmth so badly.

Pete wakes up after some time. He got a bit shy when he realized that he's sleeping between Kim's broad chest and mascular hands.

He managed to part himself. Kim also wakes up after him. Pete checked his phone.

"Shit!! I'm screwed! Mom called me several times!"

"It's ok. Let's go now. I also wanna meet her."

Pete nodded. They come down from the tall building. By the way back home Kim brought his friend a sweet treat which is Pete's all time favorite. He enjoyed it.

Pete entered home and his mom started scolding him.

"MAE... Please don't scold me now... Kimhan is here to meet with you..."

Kim entered and smilingly show courteous to Pete's mom.

"Suadeekhab aunt.. how are you doing?"

"Oh.. Kim.. long time no see dear! I'm good as always. How are you?"

"I'm fine."

They chat for some time. They had breakfast together. Then Kim asked Pete to accompany him to get Jr.

They head to Fean's house. Jr. was waiting for his Pa.

"Paaa... I missed you!"

Jr. Pete hugged his Pa as soon as they arrived. Kim kissed his forehead.

"We just met yesterday evening right?"

"Yeah I still missed you. Who's he?"

Jr. points at Pete. Pete smiles at the cute boy.

"I'm your Pa's friend. Pete."

"Really!! Your name is Pete! My name is Pete Jr.!!"


"Yeah! Let me call Mae."

Jr. went inside.

"His name ..."

"I named him after my best friend." Kim glanced at Pete once.

Pete doesn't know how to feel. he's happy. But Kim's behavior is making him weak again. His glance, his words, his touch. Pete doesn't want it.

Fean comes out. She smiles at Pete who's also a friend of her as well. They shared a hug. Pete greets her. Three of them talked for a bit while Jr. packed his bag.

Though Kim and she are separated still she behaves so well with Kim. Both actually adopted their situation and fate.

Jr. bid his mother goodbye because the next two days he's gonna stay with his Pa.


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