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Hi lovelies!

Sorry it's not an update. 😐

I told you guys about KinnPete & Porsche Tan stories. Actually I had story ideas but I just don't know how to put it into words.

I'm struggling with these ideas. Because I'm currently focusing on my other stories. All are getting mess. I ran outta ideas. 😫😵‍💫😵

It's getting difficult for me to continue all together.

So I just want to stop updating this ghost ship collection for some time.

Don't worry. It's not gonna end here.😌 I just need a bit more time. When I'll get some ideas I'll write new one shots and stories.

Till then goodbye and wait for me. Don't forget this cutie little stories.

Hope you guys will understand.

I'll be back soon.🤗

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03 ⏰

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