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Tan's POV _

I'm a single father of my son, Lio.

After my wife Jiona died in a road accident I'm raising our son all alone.

Time passed so fast. He's already 19 now.

Currently he's having his friends over. He enjoys himself with friends.

Mac, one of his friends, Such a sweet boy. We haven't had a proper conversation yet still he seems kinda shy around me.

I asked his dad that he can stay over for 1 week. It might be helpful for Lio as well.

After lunch we watched a movie together. Well it was kinda silent as I don't know what to discuss with a teenager. I also never got time to speak with my own son.

Sometimes I feel like I'm not taking good care of him.

Hugh! What a terrible father I am!

We made dinner together waiting for my son and his other companies.

They got back. We ate dinner then his other friends went back to their home except from Mac.

I bid them goodnight.


It's been 3 days Mac is staying here. He helps a lot.

I took 2 days leave from office. I'm tired. I need a break. Today Lio and Mac came back early from uni. So we ate lunch together.

I asked them about the day.

It's kinda good to have lunch while chitchatting.

Lio went out again with his bike. This young man never listen to me. Mac is staying at the guest room.

I'm free today so I decided to watch a movie again in my room.

I heard water running. The guest room is next to my room perhaps Mac is taking a shower.

Then some panting sounds hit my ears.

"Hugh.. ahh.. ummhhh.. it's.. too.. ahh..."

The noise is quite loud.

Is he... Moaning?!!🙄

I tried not to pay attention but then...

"Ta-an.. Tan!.. ahh.."


He just called out my name!! Or I heard wrong?!

I face flushed with embarrassment. What the hell is he doing in the shower?!

I ignored that completely then focused on my movie. I put the volume high.

After some time the water flow stopped.

"FUCK!!! My damn life!!"

Why is he cursing himself?! Is he having problems with something?!

Should I check on him?

I was hesitating because whatever I heard just now.. is it my delusion?

I sighed then knocked at the door.

He opened it. His clothes are turbidite. Seems like he hurried wearing clothes.

"Yes?... Uncle.."

He stuttered his words as his face is flushed red. His hair is dipping water.

"Are you... Ok dear?!"

"Yeah.. I'm.. I'm totally fine.."

"I heard something.."

Damn! What did I say?

His face turned more red. Maybe he's embarrassed.

"ahem!.. well.. I.. I don't want to.. interrupt.. well.. dry your hair.. you'll get sick."

"The towel is already wet. Can you help me?"

"Huh?! Oh yeah.. I'm getting a towel for you."

I rushed to my room then got my towel.


"Please dry it for me.."

He asked as his eyes are straight on my eyes. I smiled. I went closer and started doing it for him.

I used to dry Lio's hair when he was young. After a long time I'm doing this for someone and it's Lio's friend.

Suddenly I felt a pull. Mac pulled me closer by my waist as he is sitting on the bed.

"You're standing far. A bit closer can help."

I don't know what to say. I just keep drying his hair. He didn't remove his hands from my waist and his head is resting over my stomach.

What the hell is going on?

"It's done, Mac dear.."

"Thanks.. uncle... Tan.."

"It's ok."

"Are you gonna make dinner now? I'm helping you again."

"Thanks dear... Now.. let go so I can go downstairs."


I kinda run away I guess. I don't know why the atmosphere of that room was.. kinda.. Faltering...

I come to the kitchen.


Mac's POV _

AAAHHH!!! I'm gonna die!!

He was so close to mine. I smelled his pleasing scent. His touch is soft.

But wait.. did he already heard everything?

There's no such way that I can explain why I was moaning out his name while masturbating myself on shower.

Lord help me..

I think I gotta help him now.


They cooked food but there was an awkward silence. It broke when Lio came back. They had their dinner. Mac helped Lio with study.

Then they got back again to watch TV.

Lio is happy because Mac can cover up him and he can meet his girlfriend.

Tonight he's going again. Mac covered his bed with pillows and blankets so Tan won't suspect.


Mac's POV _

Lio is gone again. Now only two of us alone in this house. I'm continuing the movie at the hall. Tan is already gone to his room.

I saw his phone on the couch. Should I give it to him?

I turned off the TV then make my way to his room.

I didn't knock as his room door is fully locked. There's a bit gap. I peeked.

My jaw dropped as my eyes caught his half naked figure. He is in towel. He just got outta shower.

Fuck!! He's looking... Drop Dead Gorgeous!!

The light is dim but I can see his body clearly. I gulped down as my throat went dry.

Should I enter? I took a deep breath then suddenly opened the door.

"Uncle Tan... You left your phone downstairs.."

He got surprised. He looks cute with his expression.

I don't know why seeing his a bit frightened reaction makes me brave enough to make a move.

I smiled at him then closed the door behind.


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