"Our Love Is A Sin" [BibleJeff]

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One shot ~ BibleJeff


A/N: No smut but a simple yet complicated love story. I'm not a Catholic but still tried to write about the priest stuff. Don't take it in a wrong way. It's just a story 😶😅

Jeff's POV _

I live in a small town with my father. I'm already in my late 20's. So my father wants me to get married. But yet I can't find anyone as I wanted. My life is going with parties, friends & my small job as a musician in a small bar.

One day I had to go grocery shopping for our party as my bestie Dean asked me.

I leisurely walked over the street but stopped by a instrument shop. But my eyes stuck at someone. A very smiling face.

But he didn't brought anything and went out of the shop. I lost the sight. I was about to move the bumped into someone.

My grocery shopping bag fell down.

"Hey! Who....?!"

"Oh... I'm extremely sorry Mr. I didn't notice. I'm sorry."

It's that smiley. He helped to pickup.

"It's ok."

I was about to ask something but he left immediately waving his hand.

How cute! But I didn't ask his name.

After that day I can't stop but thinking about that smiley.

My bestie is suspecting that I fell in love. But what is it? Is it really love at first sight?

I don't know but I want to meet him again.

A few days later _

I'm free today. I thought I would spend some time relaxing at my home but my bestie didn't let that happen.

"Dude.. why are we going to the church out of a sudden?"

"Oh.. my mom sent some gifts for father Philip. He's going back to his hometown and today a new priest is taking over his position."

"Again a long lecture I have to listen during this Sunday as well just because of you."

"Come on dude.. I'm also going through the same."

We walked towards the church. Lots of people are here to bid goodbye to father Philip. Well he's an old man and a monk.

We sit down. The priest gave his last speech here. I was feeling sleepy. After him the new priest is going to give a speech.

I opened my eyes for once to see the new one.

I saw that smiley!

I blinked a few times & clearly opened my eyes. I'm not day dreaming!

That smiley is wearing a long black vestment with two white hand gloves.

I just can't match his face with his clothes.

He's a Catholic Priest!!!

I think I'm gonna faint right now.

He gave a short speech. The whole time my eyes was stuck on him.

My bestie snapped me out when it's time to leave.

I can help but to look back at him consistently.


After a few days_

I finished my duty as a singer and started heading home at midnight. Suddenly it starts pouring. I run and again stumbled. My left ankle got twisted. Damn!

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