A happy 10k message!

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- Hello to one and all! -

And no you won't have to deal with my long chapters anymore. As 'Tales of the Heart' came to an end after a long span of nearly one and a half years or so or to be exact nearly two years or breakdowns and acute hiatus.

However my journey of writing does not.

I started writing this piece during the first year of my college and ended it all up during the final year. But saying so please don't delude me with the illusion that I'm mature enough cause tho I am mentally as my age procures but still by style and appearance I appease to be that same 15 year old child who just got excited to have a piece of chocolate.

And tho being highly rational by nature my works reflect a sense of touch to life and sense of base reality which I hope everyone could relate with. Soft romance being the only trope I feel my style of expression could utilize the best though I do hope in the successive years to try out some new things as well.

Having started with my masters I presume to continue henceforth being a speaker I hope to voice out your aswell as my opinions through my terms of expression in the best possible way enough to tend the hearts of my beloved readers.

Therefore in terms of completing a happy 10k! on this piece of writing (tho this was supposed to be done much earlier) I would love to attend your questions, views, reviews or even comments on anything related either for me or any part of work.

Needn't be restricted to the concrete but also to the personal I would love to be answerable to anything. Any dialogue, a particular scene which you loved, themes, characters anything please do feel free to give your views down the box.

Criticisms are always appreciated.

No hard feelings involved.

It would just help get me even more better and improve with progress henceforth kindly don't ever restrict yourself while putting something whether for or against.

I am highly grateful for all the support love and comments to have recieved with my heartiest gratitude to each and everyone of you who deported their precious time out of the busy schedules to give my work a chance. Not promulgating a formality but a note of thanks to have encouraged and act as driving force towards this long year's journey to eventually come out with flying colors.

Lastly, I do hope even more love and wellness to all this festive season as we come by the end of the year. Blessings and good wishes to all ending on a sad yet a happy note towards the upcoming years.

Cause after all,

Light always comes after the dark night has shattered.

And the morning comes,

It brings the light of happiness with itself.

So don't be sad.

Everything will get better.


Henceforth a very Merry Christmas! ✨️🎀

And a Happy New Year to all! 🦋

[ - And this is your well wisher

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[ - And this is your well wisher.

- officially signing off -

- Azra 🤍 ]

- love xoxo!'-

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