Chapter 1

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Clarke POV.

I sat in the dropship going over what little medical supplies we had left over from the month that we've been here. We have enough bandages to last us for awhile but if we don't get any more actual medicine we won't last very long. We had a lot of medicine and herbs ,but the last few days have been full of injuries... first Jack with his ankle,then Miller with his wrist and then just the random cuts and injuries like splinters and bumped heads... It's like everyone decides to get hurt at once, it's exausting. That's when I decided I had to be the one to go collect the medical supplies, no one was going to do it and frankly, I wasn't in the mood to be hassled by a bunch of whining teenagers . Just as I
was about to leave the dropship I ran I to Finn, he eyed my pack.

"Hey Princess, going somewhere?" He asked cocking his head.

I really didn't want to see him right now let alone talk to him but here he is.

"Hey I was just..." I was interrupted by Raven walking in and kissing Finn, I wasn't happy to see her ,but I wasn't unhappy either. She may have just given me a distraction to get past Finn. I try to slip past them ,but Finn interrupted their kiss and grabs on to my wrist.

"Hey, Clarke you never said where you were going..."


"I'm going to get medicinal herbs from the forest,we're out." I say quickly and flatly.

"Let come wi..." he tried to say but was interrupted by a slightly annoyed Raven.

"Clarke is a big girl she can go by herself, plus you said you'd help me with the radio today remember?"

Thank God!

"Oh yeah..." he mumbled.

With that I left and headed toward the middle of the camp, I stop and scan the whole place to find some people to bring with me I see Octavia preserving the meat, and jasper and Monty packaging the fruit and nuts. I walk in their direction. I grab some of the packs and put them I my bag then I look at the pair of boys.

"Your parents worked in the medicinal plants gardens ,right?" I ask to make sure.

"Correct!" The two boys say in unison. It's odd how they can do that sometimes.

"Okay, cool, I'm going to collect medicinal herbs for the camp, we ran out after Stephane had that nasty cold." I told them.

"Count us in! Beats just standing here packaging stuff all day, wait here until we grab our packs we'll be right back." Jasper exclaimed. The two friends awkwardly ran to their shared tent. When they went inside someone approached me. It was finn.

"Hey, Princess, can we talk?" He asked.

"Finn, I'm not really in the mood right now....and stop calling me princess. I'm NOT your princess... that's what Raven is for." I said harshly.

"But Prin-Clarke I don't know if what we started we can stop!" He almost pleaded, but I was not having any of it.

"I am." I told him plain and simple. I couldn't be with someone who keeps the truth from me like that.

By this time we had drawn some attention including bellamy's. He was jogging up to us.

"Hey Princess! Is Spacewalker giving g you any trrouble?" Bellamy asked the usual power in his voice.

"No, I was just about to leave camp to get medicinal herbs." I said looking at Bellamy.

"I'll go with you!" Bellamy and Finn had both shouted at the same time. They were both staring at each other, well bellamy was more glaring. I spoke up.

"Bellamy you can come with me, but Finn, you promised Raven you'd stay go and help her." With that Finn turned and trudged back to the dropship, obviously unhappy. Jasper and Monty still haven't come back yet.


"JASPER! MONTY! Hurry up!" I screamed. Not a Second later the two boys scurried out, they probably heard the commotion and decided it was best to stay inside. Jasper was the first to greet me.

"Ready for duty, Captain!" He said standing g at attention.

"Whatever, let's go." I said rolling my eyes. He's one big goof ball.


Bellamy POV

We've been walking around for hours! All we've found is things that go in teas, which would be good if we had nothing to worry about but they do absolutely nothing!!!

At this point we are heading to the stream, it's about noon from what I can tell and I'm starting to get hungry.

"Yo, Princess you got anything to eat?" I asked her. She dug around in her pack for a second the pulled out a little bag of berries and tossed it to me. I gave her my thanks and started to eat the small parcels.

We walked another ten minutes or so and reached the river. I jogged up beside her and looked at her and I realized how perfect the light hits the gold in her hair. She realized I was starring just I realized it too. I blushed ,but didn't look away.

"Do you need something?" She asked me. I hesitated.

"I uh... wanted to know what our supplies status back at camp and um...the list of injured." I replied.

"Well we are good on bandages and calming teas for the time being. But we have three injured miller's wrist is sprained and Jack's ankle is as well... Also Jen had that bad burn but she'll be okay for the time being she'll just have a scar." She said.

"Good,good, I'll get working on getting more things for bandages, you have enough to worry about." I told her, I don't even know why I offered I just felt like I needed to.

"Okay we need the seaweed right there." Jasper pointed to a reddish-brown plant floating in the river. Clarke took off her pack and started shrugging her jacket like she was about to go in and get it, I put my hand on her shoulder to stop her.

"I got it." I walked through the river to where the plant was, it inhabited the water that came up to the middle of my chest. I plunged my head underwater to grab the base of the plant. It was slightly difficult because of the plant swaying with the current. I plucked the sucker from the rock it was anchored to and resurfaced. I waded back to shore and handed the plant to Clarke.

"Here you go, Princess." I said with a smirk. " we should head back to camp before I freeze in these clothes, plus it'll get dark soon."


We walked through the gates, Clarke went to the dropship with jasper and Monty to store the plants and I went to my tent to change. It was quiet because almost every one was asleep because of how late we came back. I decided to just hang my clothes out to dry and sleep the way nature intended me to.

I woke up early to check to make sure the wall was secure. I grabbed my clothes from the place I hung them right outside my tent and put them on. I wandered out from behind my tent and saw Clarke wandering around... I jogged up and grabbed her shoulder to get her attention.

"Hey, Prin--" I tried saying but I was cut off by her screaming and pushing me away. "Woah Woah calm down!" She calmed down and realized who I was and apologized.

"Sorry I thought you were Finn."

"Even if I was why would you freak out like that?" I Inquire.

"I don't know I just don't feel safe around him anymore, I didn't sleep at all last night because I'm afraid to share a tent with him even if Raven is there." She explains. I think for a few seconds. Before I know what I'm saying the words have already left my mouth.

"Why don't you just move in with me?" I say. This could get interesting.

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