Extra:Drink it up!

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Jasper POV

Monty and I woke up about the same time, I forgot for a second that we were still at the Grounders camp so it freaked me out when I didn't wake up in my own tent. Then it all came back to me and I was excited to see what we were going to do. I wake up Monty and we both get dressed and head out of the cave we were staying in. We walked outside and went to find the Grounders we had been teaching to make moonshine, we wandered around for a little bit and eventually found ourselves in their fields.

The people we had been teaching were their and were harvesting some of the crops, since they had been kind enough to let us stay we started working along side them. About an hour into us working we saw a group of people approaching the camp, they were more Grounders. We were soon greeted by Clarke and Bellamy telling us to grab the moonshine we made and follow them to the camp. We made the journey in a little under two hours and when we made it into the camp it was a full bustle to get ready for our guests. Monty was sent to make sure there was going to be enough moonshine to go around and I was sent to keep people away from the food so we would have enough. about four and a half hours went by and the leaders arrived, by this time the sun was going down and people were already starting to play games and celebrate. I as well as some of the other boys sparred with the Grounders I went up against a dark skinned woman and got my ass handed to me but I had a lot of fun while it was happening.

It was all fun and games until we heard Clarke yelling at someone, that someone was Finn and by the looks of it she was in a bad position. Finn had her arm in his tight grip and she was frantically trying to get away, I started running over to her when it happened. He twisted her arm oddly and she collapsed to her knees and let out a blood curdling scream. I ran towards Finn but Lincoln was on him first, I heard someone call to a person named Costia for help and I stared as they took Clarke into the dropship not for her help someone but to help her. I normally feel safe when Clarke is there to heal someone, I don't like when the roles are reversed.

A few short moments later another scream erupted through camp and the whole mood changed. everyone was on edge, even the Grounders looked uncomfortable and they were supposed to be emotionless. I watched as Bellamy wandered out of the dropship ,but not for long Clarke screamed for him and he ran back in. I watched as Lincoln tied a bloodied and knocked out Finn to a log that was set upright in the middle of camp, it would be humiliating to be there and I'm glad Finn was the one being humiliated, he deserved it.

A large boom ruptured the eerie silence as a large mass moved across the night sky, everyone came out to see what was going on.It was the Ark falling to earth and we watched as it fell and crashed, it seemed like their chance at life cut short. Everyone looked around at one another and then to our leaders, they talked for a second around Clarke announced that we would go and check it out as soon as the sun rose.


We started toward the crash site as soon as the sun was up, Clarke made sure of that. I rode a large black horse with Monty to the Ark and we were there in a short time. I watched as Clarke was reunited with her mom and for a moment everything was great, that was until the introductions were made. When she introduced the three leaders of the Grounders her mother was obviously displeased.

"We are at war with people known as the Mountain Men, I personally haven't seen them but..." Clarke was cut off by her mother.

"Then how do you know they even exist?" Dr.Griffin asked harshly, she was really asking she was doing the thing all parents do when they ask a question they think will make you look like a fool.

"Mom, we need this alliance to get help for the winter, it's approaching fast and if we aren't careful we could freez.." She was interrupted again.

"Let the adults handle that, that's none of your business." she said, she was talking down to all of us. She was trying to make all the work we did surviving seen like it was easy and that the adults could handle it better. Clarke and her mom exchanged a few more words most of them harsh and Clarke left, she had decidedly won that battle but her mother wouldn't give up that easily. Her mother turned to me and spoke.

"Jasper, is it? I want you to help me watch out for Clarke,I want you to tell me if she or Bellamy are planning something or making anymore alliances with the Grounders,do you here?" She commanded me. I don't very often get angry but she made my blood boil with the order she gave me.

"No." was all I said.

"Excuse me?" she said taken aback.

"I said no. You don't realize it do you? You guys have no power down here, the 100 are backed by people who could overrun your camp and kill you and Clarke and Bellamy are the only people keeping them from doing that. I trust your daughter with my life and have many times and I will not break her trust on me just because a council member who sent me down here to die asks me to."
I was yelling by the end of my proclamation.

"Excuse you I am the leader of this camp and you will treat me as such." she screamed back at me.

"No, Clarke and Bellamy are my leaders, because they treat my as Jasper, not Prisoner number 48 or someone they want to do their bidding!" I stormed out of the Ark to let the woman ponder what I just said. I see Octavia leaving with Octavia to the woods, so I go find Monty to talk to instead, he's with some of the Grounders jotting down notes about some herbs that could help us. We hung out with them for awhile until Lincoln and Octavia returned with dinner. The camp was in a huge uproar with all the new people trying the food of earth for the first time and Grounders sharing what is left of the moonshine Monty and I brought, but it all died down when everyone needed the rest.

I woke up in the morning to a pink fog I tried to run away but people in odd looking suits were in front of me I backed up and winded up inhaling the fog only to be put into a slumber once again. when I woke up I was in a white room I looked and saw a door with a small window. I approached the door and I was flung open and I was greeted by a man in a tux.

"Welcome Jasper, I know you don't know any of us but you needn't be afraid, we rescued you from those savages and we have a place for you to stay." the man said. I looked him up and down and began to ask him about the place I was in.

"I will answer your questions as soon as you get dressed and get food to eat." I followed him and got prepared for what was to come.

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