Chapter 17

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Lincoln POV

"We should try to blow the door, if we can drill into where the locking me mechanism is we can blow it and pry the door open. Is that possible Raven?" Clarke of the Skypeople said.

"Of course it's possible! I'm a genius." Raven said in reply.

I started to not listen as the discussion went on, I was thinking of Octavia. For the last few days I have been wanting to tell her how I feel, I have been spending little moments with her that make me love her even more. I am brought back to attention when Lexa calls my name.

"Lincoln, do you have anything to add to the plan?"

" I do not." I stammer in return.

"Alright then it is settled. We begin at sunrise in two days. In the time before we will start training." Lexa announced to the few that were in the tent.

After Lexa dismissed the meeting we all went our Esperanto ways, I went to wander the forest and maybe find something for food. I called my wolf companion and started through the camp, only to catch sight of Octavia.

Her eyes met mine and she immediately stood up from the log she was sitting on by the fire and ran over to me. She gave me an embrace when she got close to me and it caught me off guard, but only for a second soon after I returned it.

"So where are you going?" She asked me.

"Just on a walk through the forest, I don't feel much like being in the camp at this time."
I reply.

"Can I come with you?" She asked turning her head.

"I do not see a problem with it, you must stay close though for fear of the things that lurk." I warn her.

"No problem!" She said cheerfully.

We walked through the forest for sometime with me explaining all the wild plants and creatures we saw. I had hunted a wild bandit creature as with a grey coat and striped tail, it had a small glowing light at the end of it's forehead for attracting other creatures to eat. I have only seen them a few times for they come out at night, I have sketches in my book of them from catching one stealing food from my cave.

Octavia stayed by my side the whole time marveling at all the bright things around her, we walked until we hit the river and I revealed a small cave I had found when I was young. she walked into it and sat on the small ledge that was under a waterfall putting her hand out to feel the flowing water.

"It's beautiful is it not?" I say to her. All she did was smile a large beautiful smile and nod.

I walk up next her and to her right side and admire the way she enjoys the water. She always seems to be enjoying herself even when we are training. I have been teaching her how my people defend ourselves and she has been taking well to it. Ever since she had me teach her to shoot my bow she has asked how to teach her to wield every weapon she has seen me with.

She has been growing stronger and adapting different things I have taught her, she walks quieter now and walks with more confidence then before... if that was even possible.

My wolf companion walked up next to Octavia and began to nuzzle and lick her, she giggled and began petting him.

"Aww... aren't you the Lincoln, when do you think I can get my own wolf?" She asked while giggling.

"There is a lady who raises wolves from birth, after this war perhaps I can take you on a trip to receive one from her." I told her.

"Really!" Her dark brown eyes lit up, she looked so beautiful.

"Have I ever lied to you?" I said playfully.

"Well I guess not." she laughed.


We stayed there for awhile and just talked. When it started to get to darker we walked back making idle chatter.

" you have any siblings?" Octavia asked.

"I do not. But there are many others in my village who do, such as the twins Blanc and Noir." Blanc and Noir are two male warriors in our village one was born with pale skin and white hair and the lightest of blue eyes, while Noir was born with the darkest skin we have ever seen and his eyes are nearly coloured black.

"Hmmm...ok... do you have a girlfriend or a girl you like?"
She asks innocently.

"I do... she is the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes upon." I told her.

"Oh." was all she said, she sounded almost a little disappointed.

"It is you..." I say almost inaudibly.


"I like you, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. you are strong and smart and just so amazing... you take my breath away every time I see you."

"Do you really mean it?"
She asks quietly. we are no longer walking we have stopped and are now facing each other.
I take her face in either sides of my hands and look her directly in the eye.

"Have I ever lied to you?" I ask her, this time seriously.

"I suppose not." she giggled.

I then leaned down and closed the space that had grown smaller and smaller throughout the time we had talked. I pulled away and we both had large smiles on our faces. She had a dark pink cover her cheeks and I knew I had at the very least some colour as well. She giggled as I grabbed her hand and led her back to camp, we were both smiling the whole way.

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