Chapter 9

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Clarke POV

I walk into the cave as quietly as I could, I was holding a bucket full of ice cold water that was just waiting to be poured on to poor Bellamy's head. I felt bad for how he was going to wake up after this... but not bad enough not to continue with my plan. I stalked toward the bed we both had slept in last night and stopped over by the side he was sleeping in, I lifted the bucket above his sleeping form and tilted it. I let the wave of water hit him then I ran, ran as fast as my legs would carry me, if I didn't get a head start I knew the Blake would catch me. When I made it just outside the cave I heard a half yelled, half growled.

"CLAAAAAARKE!!!" Then I knew I was in trouble. I turned around just long enough to see a shirtless and very soaked Bellamy stagger out of the cave. Damn, he looked hot, ironic right?

Bellamy POV

I woke up to a sudden feeling of cold liquid being poured over my head. I sat straight up only to catch a glimpse of blond hair leaving the entrance of the cave. I screamed Clarke's name and staggered after her, I was still dazed from the cold water and was having a hard time focusing because sleep was still in my eyes. Then I saw her she was running across the Grounder camp towards the river and that's where I knew I would get my revenge. I chased her all the way to the shore, she stopped and turned around only to be faced with me coming towards her.

"Hey, Princess. That was kind of a rude way to wake up someone don't you think?" I asked her.

"Yeah... I guess, you're not mad are you?" She asked like she was so innocent, she was giving those eyes a little child gives their mother.

"No, not mad. But I am gonna get you back." I ran toward her and picked her up over my shoulder.

"Oh my gosh Bellamy! What are you doing? Put me down!" She screamed while she wiggled and kicked.

"Sorry Princess, there's a price for messing with the King." As I said that I ran into the river and threw us both under the water's surface. We both stood up and had our whole upper body above the running surface of the water.

"Not funny Bellamy Blake." Clarke said glaring at me.

"You're right... that wasn't funny.... it was hilarious." I said bursting into a fit of giggles. Not long after Clarke was laughing as well. While I was preoccupied with laughing my butt off Clarke had taken the opportunity to catch me off guard and splash me. I staggered and fell back into the river and then rose my head above the water once again.

"Oh it's on!" We slashed water at each other for a good while. We eventually got out and dried off we had to borrow a set of clothes from the Grounders because ours were soaked. About an hour later the other two Grounder leaders arrived and greeted Lincoln and us.

"I am Anya leader of the tribe of the Trees. I am here to speak with the new allies of Lincoln."

"And I am Lexa leader of the tribe of the Mountains here to meet our new allies to help defeat the Mountain Men."

" That would be us." I said as they approached me and Clarke. "it's a honor to meet you and help you in your war. If you would like to join us , at our camp we are planning a celebration of the union of our tribes, if you so desire to join us." They looked and discussed my invitation with the other and turned back to me and Clarke.

"We accept your invitation, where is it that we will meet you?" Anya I believe was her name said.

"Lincoln knows the way and will lead you there in about four hours, we must leave to help our people set up the celebration. Until then." After that Clarke and I turned and left and headed to get a horse for the ride there. We grabbed the others as well because we needed Monty and Jasper to help with the moonshine. Octavia decided to come later with Lincoln, she said something about getting along better with his people. We left for our camp and made it there in about an hour and forty five minutes.

"Monty,get in your tent and start making more moonshine we are gonna need a lot of it. How's the party coming Miller?" I asked. As I was barking out orders.

"The planning is coming out great we have extra deer meat so we have something to eat while partying, we also got more fire wood so we can have a huge Bon fire." He informed me.

"Good, keep it up." I told him. Clarke had ran to the dropship probably to check on anyone who got hurt on our small vacation. I followed her to see who had gotten hurt while we were away. Believe it or not I do care when someone get hurt. Well I don't care if specific people get hurt but then again I'm the one hurting them usually. No one had gotten hurt minus a few bumps and scratches which really didn't require Clarke's attention, I think they were just happy to have her back. That's the difference between me and Clarke I'm these kids metaphorical king, I make the hard decisions, I'm not particularly liked ,but I keep us alive. Clarke on the other hand is their Lionheart, she gives them hope and they look up to her and love her, that's why they are always happy to see her when we arrive back from day trips like when we brought back the guns.

I walked out of the dropship and called out to Miller.

"Have you seen Finn? We need to keep an eye on him."

"He's in the meat tent with Harper and Ace watching him, plus Noir is around the camp somewhere as well."

"Good let's keep it that way." I said back.

Clarke POV

I looked at all the injuries of the people that came to me, all of them were minor scratches that didn't even require a bandage. I didn't have much to do so I went out in search of Bellamy. it wasn't long before I found him, he's taller than most of the 100 so it wasn't that hard. We finished the last jobs for the celebration just as the sun started going down. Right at sunset Lincoln, Octavia, Anya, Lexa,and I believe her name was Costia arrived, they're were accompanied by a few others who I did not know the name of but welcomed all the same.

The night had went in with Monty bringing out batch after batch of what he called "Unity Juice" it fit well for the occasion. I was off on a log by myself watching everyone enjoy themselves, I needed to be on standby if someone got a little too rough while having a good time. I noticed the Grounders were having fun too, some of them even went as far as to have drunk sparring matches with some of our boys, we were dominated of course. I decided to grab my sketchbook and start drawing the scene, I wanted to capture this moment and this was the best I could do considering we don't have cameras. I was so focused on my drawing I hadn't noticed the person approaching me.

"Hey, Price...Pimp..Princess... I just want you to know that I love you and I can't stand to see you with Bec...Buck... Bitch... Bellamy. He isn't good for you Clar- hey come back." Finn grabbed my forearm, hard.

"Finn! Let go!" I said.

"Not until you say you love me." He was slightly swaying and has glazed over eyes but even in this state he's stronger than me.

"Finn! Let go you're hurting me! That hurts." I screamed. By this time the Bellamy, Octavia, and the commanders of the Grounders were running over but it was too late. When I yelled the second time he held even harder and that's when I heard a snap. I let out the loudest scream that I ever had and then my knees buckled and I fell to the floor. Lincoln grabbed Finn while Bellamy and Lexa helped me into the dropship.

"Costia! Costia! We need your help one of the Skypeople's leaders have been attacked!" I heard Lexa yell. I saw a pale figure running up to where they had laid me in the dropship. Costia had ink black hair and the palest skin I have see on any of the Grounders... her eyes were a stunning purple, a very rare trait in humans. I was so busy analyzing her that I forgot what was happening to me. Then the pain comes and I can't help but scream.

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