Chapter 5

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Octavia POV

I never thought I'd ever get to see a real horse ,let alone ride one! That's exactly what happened today and it was amazing. I was currently at the moment at the Grounders village and there was some much to see. I would look in every tent and every stable or garden they had. I looked and saw someone preparing food, I also saw someone fixing a piece of clothing which I think was a jacket or vest, I even walked in on two people doing it. Talk about awkward...they didn't even notice me. now I'm walking to where they are growing a bunch of flowers which I think are medicinal herbs, when I run into Lincoln.

"Greetings ,Octavia of the Sky People." he said. Then he handed me a flower, it was white with purple speckles starting in the middle and dispersing outwards.

"Wow, this is absolutely beautiful!" I say as I study it.

"Not as beautiful as you." He said. he took the flower from my hands and placed it behind my ear. I was blushing at what he said. He seemed to notice and chuckled, flashing an amazing white smile before leaning down and whispering in my ear.
" Would you like to see the horses?" He asked me.

"Like up close?"

"Yes, you could feed them if you like." He told me not so quiet this time. I nodded and he led me to where we had first gotten off the horses. We walked to what looked like a corral of sorts and leaned on the wooden beam which came up to about my neck. Lincoln was much taller than me so he was able to lean on the rail. He made some whistling and clicking noises and a massive horse came trotting up to us. It was a large black horse that had mutated to have two grotesque faces that was attached to one skull. But other than that it looked perfectly normal. Lincoln was stroking it head and the horse was nuzzling him with both faces. Lincoln had motioned me to come over and I slowly walked over not wanting to scare the animal. Lincoln grabbed my hand and place half an apple in it.

"Hold out your hand and he will eat from it, don't worry he won't bite you," Lincoln told me. I nodded and reach out my hand towards the creature. It sniffed my hand and then it nibbled at the apple then took it, it's lips tickled my hand while it finished picking it up and I giggled.

"I names him Pegasus after a great beast that carried a mighty hero into battle." Lincoln explained.

I looked over and smiled at him, he smiled back. For the next three hours he took me around to the different places in his village, like to the farm they had, they had fields of berries and Lincoln asked if one of the farmers would allow me to eat a handful. The farmer gave Lincoln and me some to share, I hadn't tasted anything so sweet while on the Ark or the Ground. The berries were a red colour with small seed attached evenly across the whole thing.

"I have one place more to show you." He said to me. I was kind of disappointed because I was having a lot of fun spending time with him. We walked into a large tent.

"Hey Mama." Lincoln said walking up to the older woman I saw cooking the food while I was exploring. He started talking to her in a language I didn't understand,then he turned back to me.

"I was asking if she had any of my favorite treat left, we normally give it to younger children but I like to eat some when I can. We call it choca." he told me. The older lady handed me a small piece of the brown treat and I put it in my mouth, I was super sweet and started to melt in my mouth. I didn't know how to explain the flavour but I just know it would have gone great with the berries we had eaten. I really like talking to lincoln, I think I'll have a great time getting to know him and he seems to like taking to me as well.

Lincoln POV

I took her to Mama's tent, that's what the village calls our oldest living woman. No one not even me knows her real name, anyone who did had already died. The reason the whole village calls her Mama is because she helps care for everyone, she cooks and watches the youngest children. She makes sure when our people get sick that they get the care they need and when I am unable to run the village she steps in for me and she does a better job at it than me. I am taken from my thoughts when Octavia speaks to me.

"So that's your mother?" She asked looking at me.

"No, but she's the closest thing I have to a mother." I told her smiling.

"Oh...What happened to your birth mother?"

"I don't know. I never knew her and the village had never told me about her and I never asked." I explained. she seemed to think about this for a little bit then started asking more questions.

"Do you have any siblings?"


"Do you have a girlfriend?"

"What is a girlfriend?" I asked confused at the term.

"Well a girlfriend is like the girl who you really like, more than the other girls and she's yours and no other guy can touch her or you will get mad." She explained.

"Oh, you mean a mate... no I don't have one but I do really like this one girl but I don't think she noticed me."

"Oh I'm sorry... that really sucks."

"Not really, it only gives me a reason to try harder...It is almost time for the feast, we should probably go find your brother." I said to her. We got up and walked around the camp in search of the pair and eventually found them near the main fire pit talking to one of the healers we have.

"Greeting Clarke and Bellamy of the Sky People. We came looking for you so we could get prepared for the feast. I just wanted to make sure you were getting along nicely with my people, have you?" I asked them.

"Yes, we have...everyone has been so welcoming it's amazing." Clarke spoke.

"I am glad to hear that... where are the two you call Jaster and Monty?" I asked.

"Actually his name is pronounced Jasper... and we haven't seen either of them yet since we got out of our meeting." Clarke told me.

"No need to worry ,Clarke, the party is right here." Jasper said while being followed by Monty.

"Also has anyone seen Finn?" Octavia asks.

"He was detained for being hostile to my people." I replied "he will stay there until you return to your camp." they all nodded. They would have to deal with him how ever their tribe deals with people like that.

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