Chapter 7

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Bellamy POV

I wake up next to Clarke, she looks so peaceful while sleeping. I never once got the chance to look at her for very long, she is so beautiful, she has long blond hair and nearly flawless skin. The only things physically wrong with her was the scars she has aquired through protecting our people, protecting me. I am snapped out of my daydream by a waking Clarke.

"Hey ,Princess." I say quietly.

"Hey..." She replied just as quiet. We both just laid there in the silence for about ten minutes more until she sat up.

"We need to go deal with Finn." She told me. I groaned and rolled my eyes, but I knew she was right. We need to deal with Finn before our new friends decided to do it themselves. Not that I would care, but Clarke would. She always cares, even though the asshole broke her heart she doesn't want him dead, it's just who she is.

"Alright Princess." I sat up. "But before we leave we should probably tell Lincoln what we are doing and ask for some food for the way and a horse. Because no way am I walking seven miles on foot."

"Okay." Was all she said.

She got up and got dressed and turned to me and spoke.
"Hey do you have a shirt I can borrow? I forgot to pack an extra and I accidentally set my old one down in a puddle of water by the bed."
I tossed her the one I was about to put on and grabbed the one I used the day before.

"Don't worry." I said."that's my clean one, I'm wearing the one from yesterday." She nodded and turned around and slipped on the shirt I had given her. We both walked out of the cave we had slept in and walked to Lincoln's cave. To my surprise Lincoln was up and so was Octavia they were both on the floor talking, he was showing her his drawings that he had.

"This is one of a deer I had witnessed running by my camp. It had an extra pair of legs and I had to draw it." he went on to explain to Octavia. They hadn't noticed us yet. I cleared my throat.

"Oh hey Bell! Lincoln was just showing me some of his drawings they're amazing do you want to see?" Octavia said super excitedly. I was happy to see her so happy.

"Uh...actually,O, I'm here to talk to Lincoln, but maybe later." I turned to Lincoln. "Is it possible for us to have some food and to borrow a horse for a ride to our camp. We need to deal with Finn as soon as possible and when we do we will return back here probably tomorrow."

" You may have the supplies you need just tell Mama and Roosevelt I sent you. Are all of you tribes members going back or just you two? If I may ask."

"Just us." Clarke told him." Octavia if you could tell Jasper and Monty that'd be great. Unless you want to come back with us."

Octavia thought it over for a second the said. "It's alright I'll tell the boys, I'm actually enjoying staying here plus I don't have to deal with all the boys messing with me at camp, it's nice."

After we had talked to Mama and Roosevelt, Clarke and I headed toward our camp. We rode the horses for about an hour and then we stopped for breakfast. I knew it was still morning because the sun had just risen over the horizon.

"It's such a beautiful day... it's odd to think that almost everything in this forest can kill you." Clarke said. it sort of caught me by surprise a little.

"Yeah...." was all I said in reply. We started the way to our camp again. All I could think of was what the hell we were going to do with Spacewalker, only god could know.

Clarke POV

We reached camp about two and a half hours after we had left the village. What I saw when we arrived astonished me, the beginning of cabin were being built on the far side of camp over by Bellamy and my tent. I saw Miller out of the corner of my eye approaching us.

"Morning, Bellamy ,Clarke. how do you like our improvements? We made that cabin over there for when you guys need meetings or a Grounder needs to spend the night. Speaking of Grounders the guard and Finn are in the dropship....third floor."

"Thanks Miller...het could you take the horse and tie it by the gate....also grab some apples and feed it." I gave him orders just so I could go see Finn. like holy crap I wanted to punch him so hard in the face for the stunt he pulled. I was striding to the dropship when I hand on my shoulder.

"Clarke be smart about this. We don't want to make the whole camp to flip their crap." Bellamy told me and he was right.

"Fine but we need to talk to Miller about him he can't be left alone and he can't leave camp." I replied. with that we walked in to the dropship and climbed the ladder. before I made it to the third level it stopped to talk Raven.

"How's the radio coming?" I asked Raven.

"I actually made contact with the Ark, they're coming down tomorrow, you should probably tell the Ark about our new friends and the Ark about the agreement for winter as well." Raven told me.

"You make a good point, when Bellamy and I go back we will tell Lincoln about them." I told her.

"Hey Clarke what are you doing back so early anyway." she inquired.

"Your boyfr..."

"Finn's not my boyfriend...not anymore anyway. He's all yours now." she looked so disappointed it made me feel horrible.

"I didn't mean for this to happen, I didn't know about you and he hadn't told me, if I could change what I did I would but I don't have that privilege." I told her. I meant it... I never wanted to hurt her it just happened because of Finn's selfishness.

"Thanks Clarke, I'm glad you at least care about me." she said.

"I really do care for everyone and if you ever need anyone to talk to I'm here for you. Really I am." I looked Raven in the eyes, I wanted her to know I was serious.

"Okay I will when ever I need to talk. I should probably get back to work, I need to give the Ark coordinates to aim for so they don't hit our camp or the Grounders camp." Raven explained.

"Okay I'll let you do that." With that I turned and started climbing the ladder ready to face the asshole know as Finn. I poked my head above the hatch and dismissed the guard back to sleep in the cabin built by our tent. I pulled my self all the way in and Finn better be prepared he was about to get a piece of my mind.

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