Chapter 18

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Sorry it's short :(

Bellamy POV

I walk around camp aimlessly making sure the adults didn't screw up our little society we had going on, a crappy as it seemed the remaining 100 had actually built something of ourselves only to be taken from the adults who decided it was there's to take.

I go to check  on Clarke who is most likely on the hospital wing. I walk in and see her looking over one of the smaller kids, the kid didn't look like there was anything wrong with him. I stood in the doorway and simply watched her work, when it seemed she was done she patted his shoulder, and helped him off the table.

"You're all good, no problems I can see so you're all good to go back to wherever you got to be!" She told the boy. He exclaimed his thanks and scurried off, as he did Clarke caught my eye.
"Hey" she said.

"Hey, how are you doing? It's not too busy around here, that's a first."

"Yeah... I mean I have time to give people check ups, God knows some of these people need one. But overall most people are pretty healthy."

"That's good we need people on top shape for tomorrow when we storm Mount Weather."

"Yeah, you're right... We may have to look over some of the Grounders. A lot of them have sub par medical care for the injuries they have."

"I'll have O talk to Lincoln about that and report back to you ,Princess." With that I gave her a quick peck on the cheek and a wink and was out the door in search for Octavia.

I start towards the grounders side of the settlement and start there, I wander around asking a few people if they've seen O. Anyone from the Ark  I talked to hadn't seen her so I just wandered to the Grounders. I wander around their camp without really talking to anyone so I head to Lincoln's tent, he probably has a good  idea where O is.
    I walk through the flap without saying anything and what I see I can barely process.

"Hey, Lincoln have you seen O-oh..." I stop and see their faces pull apart just as I finish my sentence.

"B-Bellamy... I can explain...we were...I was..." Octavia managed to stutter out.

"I don't wanna know... umm... Lincoln, Clarke wants to look at a few of your men before we go to battle... their health don't seem to be the best and we need to be in the best shape possible."

"I will gather those who seem unwell, as well as some of the children." He replied without skipping a beat.

"I'm gonna go now, next time I'll shout before I come in." With that I turn on my heel and leave.


Clarke pov

I had a sudden rush of grounder people come to be checked up on, most of them large men who made it extremely difficult to make sure everything was healthy, and in most cases they were not.
    I had sewn an open wound from training that they were going to leave to they elements as well as splinting a few sprained fingers. All in all they took pretty ok care of themselves. There were some kids who had some vitamin deficiency due to a mainly meat diet, especially the ones that trained as seconds.  After they were all treated and looked at I excused my self to my tent that I kept out side the fallen Ark, it allows for better privacy and I keep my things well hidden from everyone, or so I thought I had.
    I crawl in to see a sleeping Bellamy lounging on my bed. He seems to have made himself quite comfortable with the way he was snoring. He looked so peaceful and relaxed, which was a first since our days on the ground. I decided not to let the opportunity to capture the moment go to waste, so I grabbed my sketch book and drew his serene face. I started feeling tired myself and Bellamy looked like he was getting a little chilly, I crawled up next to him  and curled up under his arm. Laying my head on his chest, I listened to the rhythmic sound of his heart until I drifted off to sleep.


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