Chapter 11

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Lincoln POV

I watched as Clarke and Octavia helped the injured from the ark, it took them about and hour or so to finish a majority of their injured people. I had called my companion over, the wolf was always somewhere within my calling range. I saw him dash towards me scaring a lot of the Skypeople by his large presence, when they saw him make his way to me some relaxed while others had just stated on. I looked around and realized that this tribe probably had no food to eat because they had just fallen from the Sky. I stood up and walked towards the forest by the outside of their camp. but before I made it there I had seen Octavia and made my way to her.

"Octavia." I started "Would you like to come and assist me in getting food for your people?" I asked her.

"Sure! I'm sick of dealing with ungrateful patients, the keep complaining that they want a "real"doctor." We started towards the forest in search of food to eat. We had only walked a few feet into the forest when I had spotted a rabbit, in one swift motion I had set an arrow and fired it straight through the creature's eye.

Octavia had stood there stunned and looked up at me.

"Woah, how'd you do that?" She asked. I just shrugged. "Show me how to shoot the bow! I want to be able to do that!" She continued, I love the energy she has when she sets her heart to something.

"As you wish." I put the bow in her hand and pull an arrow from my quiver. I turned her towards a thick tree a little ways away.
"You need to hold it like this." I told her, I stood behind her and adjusted the bow. I set the arrow into place and helped her pull the arrow back.
"You need to pull the arrow all the way back to your cheek or else the arrow won't fly."

She pull back on the arrow and then let it fly, it flew towards the tree and skimmed the side and hitting the ground next to it.

"Damnit!" She said.

"That was good for your first try, now try again." I handed her another arrow and this time she hit the tree a little high but it stuck in there. I continued watching her for a good while until I remembered the reason I was out here. The reason it came back to my mind was because I watched a large buck make it's way from behind a tree to my left. I tapped Octavia's shoulder and pointed to the deer. What I saw next surprised me she pulled back an arrow and aimed it at the buck, she let it fly and it hit the deer the neck. It had staggered a few steps and collapsed. I looked over at Octavia and she seemed just as surprised as I was, she was staring at the now dead deer and mumbled something.

"What did you say, can you repeat that?"

"I did it." she said quietly
"I did it! I did it Lincoln, I did it!" She ran up and wrapped her arms around me, I stiffened at first and soon relaxed into the embrace.

The rest of the day had been overall successful in hunting we had killed two more rabbits and a squirrel. Octavia held the two rabbits and squirrel, while I carried the buck she shot. We walked into the camp and put down the catch, when I announced to everyone it was time to eat all of my people and the young Skypeople had run and started a fire to cook. The older Skypeople looked on like they didn't trust what we had brought back, if this alliance was going to work we needed trust especially with the other two commanders.

Octavia POV

After Lincoln had taught me how to hunt we walked into camp triumphant. Lincoln had helped cut apart and distribute the meat we had gotten, while I set off to find my brother. I looked around the whole camp and couldn't find him so I made my way over to Lincoln again. I sat down next to him and he started talking to me.

"Here, I save you the best piece of the deer, I figured the one who took it down deserves to take part in its strength." he handed me an odd looking piece of meat.

"Um...what is it I'm eating exactly?" I asked him inspecting the meat.

"Its heart, you gain its swiftness and strength when you eat the heart of a kill." he explained.


"Um thank you, but do you have something like leg or chest meat?"

"Do you not wish to eat the heart, because you can have my portion instead." he held out his portion of meat and I traded with him grateful for the normal piece of meat. I looked over at Lincoln and watched as he took a bite of the heart, he wasn't even phased about the fact that was once beating in a living animal. Then again he wasn't floating in a space station all his life eating a paste for protein. I was about halfway through my meal when Bellamy sat down next to me.

"Bellamy!" I hugged him, he hugged me back. "Guess what I did today!"

"What'd you do ,O?"

"I fired a bow and arrow." I told him excitedly.

"By yourself? You know I hate you going off by yourself." Bellamy said. before I could say anything Lincoln spoke up.

"You need not to worry, she was with me. I was teaching her how to weild the weapon." He told Bellamy. Bellamy seemed to relax a little when Lincoln said that, but only a little.

"And you won't believe what else." I started. "you know that deer you ate? Yeah well I killed that."

"You kidding. You've never picked up a bow and arrow before today you couldn't have killed that." He said laughing.

"It was a beautiful kill straight through the neck, you have yourself quite the warrior for a sister, Bellamy of the Skypeople." Lincoln said. I blushed at the way he complimented me.

" Thank you." I murmured. We had all sat there in silence for awhile. We had to sleep but seeing as there wasn't anywhere to sleep we stayed up most of the night. I must've dozed off sometime during the night because I woke up leaning on Lincoln who was just sitting there looking off into the distance. I looked over to where Bellamy was once sitting to see him gone, I shifted and sat up. I looked over at Lincoln and saw he was looking back at me.

"Hey." was all I said.

"Hello. How did you sleep? When I noticed you had fallen asleep on me I didn't want to disturb you or leave you out here alone, so I stayed." Lincoln told me.

"Oh, thank you and I slept well." then I heard yelling and a canister with pink fog coming out of it was thrown in my direction. I was getting dizzy and saw a man in a hazmat suit running towards me. Lincoln had held his breath and grabbed me before I hit the ground, he managed to shoot an arrow into the man before he turned to run. He called out to anyone who was still awake to follow him. I tried my hardest to keep my eyes open but the heaviness was unbearable. The last thing I remember seeing was my brother running up to Lincoln looking terrified before I drifted off to sleep.

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