Chapter 3

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Bellamy POV

It's been about six hours since I last talked to Clarke and during that time I've had two parties of people go and forage for berries and roots and I had three parties go hunting... They should be back in about two hours, I have nothing to do or direct at the moment which is rare so I go and check up on Clarke and discuss a few things. I walk across camp to the dropship while admiring everything that we have built to survive .When I enter the dropship it's only Clarke and Octavia, walk up to the both of them and hug Octavia.

"Hey ,O, hey ,Princess, so what's the status on our supplies?" I ask the pair.

"We have less bandages than I originated thought ,but we have quite a bit of herbs for calming teas. Even though I'm the only one to use them, more for me I guess. also anyone who is injured is the same as yesterday with the exception of a few stray bumps and bruises." Clarke said. I thought about what she said for a few seconds.

"Ok... also I have a great idea for getting more food... what if we started fishing in addition to our foraging and hunting?" I said cheerfully. she thought for a second and then replied.

"That's a great we have anyone to make nets or fishing poles though?"

"I'm sure we can figure that out later I just wanted to see what you thought of the idea." I told her. "I'll see you guys in a bit I'm going to go see if the food parties got back." I turned and walked out of the dropship. I walked out to see the parties had come back ,but I also saw something else that surprised me. it was another person, but they weren't from The Hundred they were from the Ground. The group of people rode horses while some were just on foot there was a large man I. The front of the group riding a large black horse. My mind found the word for me, I recognize the animal from a boo I had read on the Ark. By this time Clarke had heard the commotion and came by my side.

"I wish to speak to your leaders!" The man yelled.

"That's me." Clarke and I said in unison.

"A power couple. Interesting." The man replied.

"Oh we,re not.... he's not my...we're just..." Clarke and I started stammering excuses, but the man seemed to have moved on.

"I'm here to offer you a deal... My tribe as well as the tribes around us are in a war with the Mountain men and we need help. If you are to stay on this land you will have to abide by our rules or you must leave." Octavia had ran out of the dropship and was running towards me.

"Ok so why are you here and what do you want from us?" Clarke asked.

"I want you to go to war with us." he said plain and simply. Clarke had thought about it and turned to me.

"If we do this Bellamy we have a better chance at not freezing when it gets cold." she told me, her eyes pleading that I agree to this.

"Fine we will enter an alliance with you ,but if we do this you need to help us get food and help us make our shelters able to withstand the winter." I told the man.

"We will help with your shelters but you must find your own food." the man said flatly.

"What is your name?" Clarke asked him.

"I am called Lincoln. At first light I will return with transportation to our camp... bring two of your most trusted people and bring her." Lincoln had at this time looked over at Octavia, he was staring at her but not in a lustful way more studying her than anything.

Lincoln POV

I realize that I've been staring at the girl that had run up to the male leader of the Sky People, I force myself to look away and address the mated leaders of the Sky People. "I will bring enough horses to move five of your people to the meeting in Ton DC to receive the alliance. Until tomorrow" I told the Sky People. I turn on my horse and exit their gates and start towards my village. I tell the commanders and soldiers to go to the village. I've decided that I need to be alone for a bit so I set out to my hidden cave that's about two miles from my village. I tied my horse to a tree next to the opening and jump inside. when I get to the fire pit I light it and move around the small space. What I see when I look around is the things of the past that I've collected, including a small red object with wheels on the side and a small replica of a horse and a replica of a striped cat of sorts. I grab my drawing book and start drawing what comes to mind. When I look at the work I'd done I realize I drew a picture of her. It was a picture of the girl that I saw at the camp... She was absolutely beautiful. I have decided that I will get to know her while we discuss the alliance with the Sky People.

Clarke POV

It's been about an hour since the Grounders left and everyone of the people that went to get food had returned. Everyone went to their tents and I was on my way to my new shared tent with Bellamy. I was the first to get in the tent so I went straight to my bed and got some well needed sleep.


The next morning I was awoken by Bellamy lightly shaking me.

"Get up Princess, we need to get ready for the meeting. Who are we going to take?" He asked. I thought about it fora minute then replie.

"Monty and Jasper are probably a good choice they are the least likely to offend someone. We need to avoid Finn, because at this point it's best he doesn't cause problems."

"Good idea, he wanted us to bring Octavia along so we will have to worry about that when they get here. we should probably get the gang together then." Bellamy said.We left the tent and scanned the camp, it was still dark. I went to Octavia's tent to make sure she was ready and Bellamy got Jasper and Monty. We all had eaten our rations and were now waiting by the fire pit for the Grounders to come. About twenty minutes after all of us were up the whole camp started to wake up and the guards had changed. Right as the sun started to show above the horizon we heard the galloping of horses and we knew our new allies were close. This is the beginning of our life on earth and living with our new neighbors. This could get interesting.

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