Chapter 2

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Authors note: in this story the grounders exist but not in the way they do in the series they aren't a danger like they are in the series ,but they are a big part of my story in a different way.


Bellamy POV

"Why don't you just move in with me?" I say. This could get interesting.

"Move in with you? Like into your tent?" Clarke asked,there was a light pink blush dusting her cheeks and I'm sure there was one on my cheeks as well.

"Yeah, sure.... I mean if you're comfortable with it, you just seem really shaken up about this whole Finn thing and I don't trust the poor bastard either." I told her,my voice had grown in passion as I talked about spacewalker.

"Oh okay,sure, I'd like that." She said to me.

"Alright then, Princess, once everyone wakes up including Finn and Raven we'll get your stuff from their tent. okay?" I asked her, she nodded in agreement.

"Is it okay if I follow you while you do whatever you are doing?" Clarke asked me, she seemed like she didn't really want to be alone.

"Whatever you want to do ,Princess, I'm just checking the perimeter for any cracks or damage....or sleeping guards." I picked up a small stone and hurled it at the guard in front of me.
"Miller! Wake your ass up, you're on guard duty!"
Miller sat up and spazzed around for a second until he had realized what he's done.

"Sorry I didn't mean to just haven't had sleep for twenty-four hours." Miller stammered. I didn't blame him,so I wasn't too hard on him.

"The dangers out there don't sleep when it's night and neither should you, if you really can't keep your eyes open get someone who can. Now go get some rest I'll take your shift." I told him. He jumped down from where he was perched up on the top of the wall. I started to climbed to the top of the wall and I heard the shuffling of someone coming up after me. I sat up on the top of the wall and a few seconds later Clarke had joined me. We sat there in silence for awhile, I looked over at Clarke and realized that she was drawing in a sketchbook. She was drawing the forest outside in front of us but also our dangling legs...she was drawing what she was seeing from her point of view.

"That's amazing." I said without thinking.

"Oh, thank you." She replied, I noticed she looked super concentrated at her drawing putting in every detail that she saw from the way my boots had the slightest tear near the toe ,to the rabbit bones that lay half eaten by it's killer. It was about an hour after we got up there that everyone began to wake up, the guard shifts switched and Clarke and I were heading to Finn's tent. we approached the tent and Clarke started to enter just as Finn was leaving.

"Oh hey, Clarke where were you?When I woke up you were gone." he said.

"I was just checking the guard posts with Bellamy." Clarke replied. Finn looked up at me like he had just noticed me. Man I hated that bastard.

Clarke POV

I really didn't want to be talking to Finn right now I only wanted to get my stuff and get out.

"I need to get past you to clear out my part of the tent." I say trying to slip past him ,but he continues to block my way.

" Why? It's not like you're moving tents or anything....Are you?" He asks.

"I am,actually I'm moving to Bellamy's tent, it makes it less awkward because I don't like sharing a tent with someone who broke my heart." I say harshly as I push past him. "Bellamy, I need help bringing over my sleeping roll can you grab that and I'll grab my books." I called out to Bellamy, second later he appeared and started rolling up my makeshift bed. He gathered that in his arm while I grabbed my pack and the sketchbooks and reading material I managed to acquire from my time on earth. We made our way across camp having no other hassles from Finn, for now. We stopped just outside Bellamy's tent and he threw my bed in the tent and turned to face me.

"Do you want me to set up the tent or do want time alone to get it the way you want?" Bellamy asked me. I thought about it for a second.

"You can set it up because I dont know how you like things, I'll just deal with whatever you want to do with the space." I told him.

"Whatever the hell you want ,Princess." he said cheerfully, he took the books from me and disappeared into his large tent. I turned to walk away only to be confront by an angry Finn on his way.

"How could you switch tents, especially to go share with someone like Bellamy!" He said Bellamy's name like it was poison in his mouth and I wasn't going take any of that.

"Because Finn I don't like the way you keep going for me even after the fact you have a girlfriend and after I've told you over and over I don't want to be with you!" I started to yell.

"But Clarke, I love you and want to be with you... Yeah I care for Raven but I don't feel about her the way I feel about you!" He proceeded to say and that's when he kisses me it was a sloppy and gross kiss and I try to push off but he was too strong. Just then I feel Finn pulled away from with tremendous force and I'm sent flying back. When my I hit the ground I realize that it was Bellamy who took Finn off me and now has him by the collar of Finn's shirt.

"Clarke said she not interested Spacewalker, so take the hint before it ends bad for you!" Bellamy said screaming in Finn's face. By this time the scene had attracted a crowd and people were staring. Bellamy threw Finn back, Finn staggered a few steps then regained his balance only to be faced by an angry Raven.

Good he deserves it...maybe she'll see he's just a lying slimeball.

"Did he hurt you? " Bellamy asked staring down at me.

"No, he only kissed me. It was gross but I'll live. I should probably go to the dropship, there's probably at least someone who's hurt themselves. I'll find you later to give you an exact update on supplies." I told him as I wiped my mouth.

"Don't bother I'll be coming in anyway." As he said that he turned and left.

I made my way to the dropship only to find that I was right with the fact someone had injured themselves... Sarah had hit here head really hard, it wasn't a concussion but I decided I was going to keep her in the dropship for the day just in case she had any problems. Octavia was in there as well not because she was hurt, she was there just talking to patients so I talked to her as well. it was mostly idle chatter to keep my mind off what happened early this morning... I learned that she wasn't that bad I actually was beginning to like the girl. the Blake family was starting to grow on me.

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