| 04 |

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"Ok dude you ready?" Cole says to me through the head set in my helmet

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"Ok dude you ready?" Cole says to me through the head set in my helmet.

"Just about" I'm always nervous before a run of the globe so just got to suck it up.

"One sec Xander, can't start yet. Two girls have decided the shows about them" he sounds pissed off

"What do you mean?" Trust Cole to give the details Jesus christ.

"There's a fight, left side" now Cole just seems interested.

I murmur a quick fuck sake and march to the left side of the globe. Do these stupid girls have to fight right before my run.

I get to the middle of the circle with some shoving and pushing. Also helps that I'm 6'5 and in biker gear.

I don't notice the girl on the floor much, my eyes are drawn to the one on top. She just isn't stopping. Wait...

Emily has those shoes, I know because they have the letter E on the underside in blue. She's taking the piss.

I grab ems firmly by the waist and throw her over my shoulder. I'm so pissed off right now, she was told not to come.

I get to where the entrance of the party is and I put her down. That's when I see the blood all over her Nuckels, And her chest rising up and down fast. She's filled with adrenaline I can tell.

She looks up slowly, still with that smug look she always carries.

"How could you be so stupid" I grab her by the shoulders. She's glad Enzo isn't here.

"Fuck off Xavier I'm not in the mood" she's scowling at me like no one's business.

"I don't care ems, you shouldn't be here" she's so irresponsible.

"I'm just enjoying a fucking party calm down" and then she does that little eye roll, she knows that annoys me.

"That's it I'm calling Enzo"  god he's going to be pissed at her.

"What! You can't!" She sounds desperate now but I don't care.


"Wait! You can't!" If he calls Enzo I'm dead!

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"Wait! You can't!" If he calls Enzo I'm dead!

"I dont Care ems, this isn't a place for you" what does he mean by that.

"Whatever, call him but I'm not leaving" I cross my arms against my chest and lean in as I speak.

Enzo can't make me leave, he isn't here tonight. Anyway this field is huge, he won't know where to start.

I hear Xander on the phone talking to Enzo. Then he passes the phone down to me.

I take it out of his hand and put it to my ear.

"EMILY GO HOME NOW OR IM COMING TO TAKE YOU HOME" why the fuck is he yelling so loud.

"Calm down fucking hell" all this stress is going to make me wrinkle.

"CALM DOWN? I TOLD YOU NOT TO GO AND THEN YOU KNOCK SOME GIRL OUT?" He sounds really pissed, so I do what any logical person would do... I hang up and pass the phone back to shithead.

Then I walk off to find Kat. Or try to, Xander grabs my wrist and pulls me back. "You will watch ONE globe run and then I'm taking you home"

"Im going home when I want to" I hate being bossed around especially by him.

"No your not, just listen for once" listen to him? No thanks.

"I'll just run off when you go then" that's a smart idea actually.

He doesn't say anything and just Frage me towards the globe.

"If I can't trust you to stay here then your staying by my side" with that he pulls me into the globe and stands me in he middle.

"Stay here, and so help me god if your not here when I come back I will ground you myself, do you understand" he could fucking try.

I just give a small nod and look down, it feels like ages I'm just standing there, in a cage surrounded by people. Then I hear a rev.

Oh god here we go. I look up and see a motorbike coming towards me. I'm going to get ran over!

I'm terrified until I see that it's Xander and he's put his hand up to tell me to stay put. Why should I trust him, I don't know but I do.

I stay still as the bike gets closer and eventually drives into the globe right next to me. Then he waits there for a second, so the door can close and for him to whisper in my ear.

"Stay still, or I'll make you" what the fuck is that supposed to mean. I'm about to ask but then his bike starts up again and goes forwards and backwards, building speed and momentum...

Fourth chapter done!
I hope you all enjoy reading my lovely's.
Please don't forget to vote or comment any ideas or corrections but keep the comments kind.
Have a good day lovleys.

Don't forget to eat and have a drink of WATER (not coffee or monster) and I'll see you in the next chapter.

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