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Rory knocks on the door and a voice comes from inside, "Come in"

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Rory knocks on the door and a voice comes from inside, "Come in"

He opens the door and we both sit down at the desk together, facing Miss Rudd.

"Emily would like to apologise for her actions, she was scared and needed questions answered, which I did." Im not fucking sorry i think to myself.

I just nod along so I look sorry.

"Right well, here's the contract Miss falcon" she says sliding the piece of paper along to me.

I pick it up and look at Rory, in a sort of pleading way... but he just nods for me to sign in.

I Look down at it for a while before taking a pen and signing the stupid paper and throwing it back on the desk.

When it lands on the desk it knocks over a small stack of papers, knocking a couple into the floor. Not my problem.

Miss Rudd scowls at me displeasingly before continuing, "I'm Going to have you take a short five minute test to decide the category you fit into, after that our system will pair you with a dom"

I just nod and look around the room. There's photos of some old people and books, a candle on her desk along with a shit load of old lady junk.

"Mr Gallon, thank you for your help today but you may be excused now" the old hag says in her posh words.

Rory gives me a glance and walks out of the room, shutting the door quietly.

Miss Rudd passes me an ipad with a test on it. At the top it says "1 of 35" Wtf. If going to be here forever.

The test was odd, had shit like, "I believe I am to act out to get my way" and then it had options to agree or disagree.

I also did questions like "when you get stressed, tired, anxious or upset do you tend to feel vulnerable or small"

Right at the end of the test on the last page we're boxes for me to cross and tick about what I was trying in bdsm.

I put a cross for all of them.

Once I was done miss Rudd made me sit in her office until my results came back.

"Well, Emily your results are interesting. I feel me telling you will only create problems, so instead I'll just call your dominants in" create problems? Wait...

"Dominants? As in more than one?" I better have hearing problems cuz that's fucked.

She just nods and turn the intercom on. "Can Mr Dane and Mr Jones come to my office please" fucking hell.

(The new doms aesthetic will be put on the latest character update)

We're just sitting in the office in silence so I decide to pipe up "Can't I just have one"

Before the grumpy hag can answer someone does for her "no" from behind me.

Reluctantly I turn around in my chair and see two boys standing there, I roll my eyes and turn back around, slouching in my chair.

"Why not" I ask going back to the question about having two doms.

"Mr Finn Jones will help more to do with the caring side of things. Ddlg" what the fuck is ddlg I think.

"On the other hand Mr Levi Dane with deal with your bratty side" fuck off.

"I don't have a bratty side u silly bitch" I say leaning in trying to look threatening.

A hand on my shoulder pull me back into my chair. I don't bother to look who's hand it is I just shove it off.

Miss Rudd looks at me before nodding to the boys.

"Up you get Emily" one of them says. I groan and pick myself up off the chair and scuff my feet as I walk out behind one of them and In front of the other.

"Who's who then" I say annoyed, stopping walking.

The one behind pits his hands on my shoulders and pushes me forward. "I'm Finn, the one in front is Levi" he says calmly in response.

I roll my eyes and nod, just then we stop at a door, Levi being at the front unlocks it and walks in, Finn pushes me carefully inside.

"Find some clothes in your wardrobe and come to the lounge, we'll start with rules" Finn says looking down at me.

Finn is taller than Levi, but both standing at over 6 feet. Which is really helping me feel powerful standing at 5'1.

Tenth chapter done!
I hope you all enjoy reading my lovely's, sorry this one's a bit shorter.

Please don't forget to vote or comment any ideas or corrections but keep the comments kind.
Have a good day lovleys.

Don't forget to eat and have a drink of WATER (not coffee or monster) and I'll see you in the next chapter.

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