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They both place their peices of paper down in front of me and I look between them both

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They both place their peices of paper down in front of me and I look between them both.

Lexi speaks up, "these are the rules" he says pointing to the one on the left, "and these are the punishments" he continues.

Can they not take the hint? Like I'm gonna listen to that bullshit.

I sit back, slouching slightly and cross my arms. No way am I letting them win.

Levi raises his eye brows at me and then to the pieces of paper, silently telling me to pick one up.

He's our little joker.

I sit up straight, "look guys this isn't going to work" I clap my hand together and push my self up.

"Sit down Emily" Levi says in a deep stern voice. Not gonna work buddy boy.

"I'm calling my brother you can fuck off" I say leaving the room and dial for Enzo.

I'm surprised neither of them said anything but suits me.

After a couple rings, Xavier picks up my brothers phone. "Emily?"

"Is my brother there?" I ask. I'm really not in the mood to deal with this prat right now.

"Yes but he's busy" busy my ass. What's he doing other than being a brother.

"You need to pick me up" I leave no room for argument. Well I thought I didn't.

"have you been kicked out already" he sounds disappointed and I can almost imagine the look on his face.

"We'll not exactly but I'm not staying here" it's a kinky torture house.

I hear him sigh on the other end. "Look no one can take you home" he sounds a little sorry but knowing him he's probably not.

"Fine I'll get kicked out then" simple.

"Don't you da-" he's cut off when I hang up the phone and put it back in my pocket.

Now I just need to get myself kicked out. I look around the hallway and decide to head right, towards the canteen.

Maybe I can grab myself a snack on the way to freedom who knows.

I walk down a set of stairs, still not entirely sure of my way around but it's not like I have anywhere to be.

I'm surprised dumb and dumber haven't come looking for me yet. Not like they could do anything anyway.

Now I have to think, do I go through the double doors on my left or on my right. I choose right of course because right is always right.

I mean clearly not because I didn't end up in the canteen, I look around the small hall, there's a stage opposite me and a few folding cinema seats to the side of me.

Walking up towards the stage I see there are long black curtains on either side, of course I decide to go and look.

Just at I get behind them, my phone starts freaking out. Ringing so bloody loudly. I jump and burrow in my jeans to quickly get it out of my pocket.

When I look down I see that Enzo is calling, I was about to pick up when I hear the noise of metal being knocked over.

I hang up on my brother and think for a split second about leaving but decide to check it out instead.

You know do the think that gets everyone killed in horror movies. How smart am I bloody hell.

I walk as quietly as I can towards the noise I just head. Eventually after enough walking I find a metal bucket on the floor.

Now I've found the source I should probably turn back because I'm not meant to be here. Oh fuck it I'm trying to get kicked out anyway.

I keep walking for a couple more minutes, looking down to try and avoid lighting and stage wires covering the floor.

Suddenly I'm thrown to the floor and an arm is pressed against my neck. Kinky.

I start to struggle but when I look up I stop, "Rory?"

"Fuck same Emily you scared the shit out of me" he slams his hand against the floor and gets off me.

Then he hold his hand out for me to take, I of course slap it out the way and get up myself.

"What are you doing here" I ask rubbing my neck.

"I should be asking the questions" he rubs his hand across his head. SIMBAAAA

"Too late, I asked first" I cross my arms over my chest and stick a hip out.

"Go back to your dorm Emily" he scowls at me. That's not very nice.

I give him a sarcastic smile, "hard pass buddy" I pat his shoulder.

"What's wrong with them" he asks me, furrowing his eye brows.

"Them? How do you kno-" of course he cute me off the cunt.

"Everyone knows Falcon alright" and my second name too? He's in the bloody mafia I'm calling it.

"Right, well I'm not going back to them. I need to get myself kicked out"

He questions me so I explain my plan which as you can guess he's not very happy about.

"Why can't you just behave" he rubs the bridge of his nose"

Eighth chapter done!
I hope you all enjoy reading my lovely's.

Please don't forget to vote or comment any ideas or corrections but keep the comments kind.
Have a good day lovleys.

Don't forget to eat and have a drink of WATER (not coffee or monster) and I'll see you in the next chapter.

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