Chapter 9: Crush

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"Hey, do you wanna run some lines with me?"

Quasi jumped, his heart skipping a beat, not because of the surprise of Maddy's appearance next to him but because just the sound of her voice made his insides twist into knots. He turned from the mountain he was painting, eyes flicking up to meet hers nervously, hoping she didn't notice a difference in his behaviour since he realised that he had a crush on her. "Lines?"

"Yeah. Axel's not here and I need someone to play Captain Von Trapp so I can get the timing on this scene right." She held up her script, smiling at him. "Help a girl out?"

He wanted to ask why him, why did she always come to him when she had plenty of friends who would help her out, but the truth was, she probably knew that he would do anything for her. Including helping with lines. He shrugged and put down his paintbrush. "Alright. Um... what's th-the scene?"

"The argument after the boat ride. When she's telling him how he needs to pay more attention to the kids." She led him to a secluded corner, leaning against the wall and handing him the script. "I know most of it. I'll just need you to read the other part and prompt me when I forget. Easy enough."

"E-easy enough," he echoed, looking down at the script and reading through a few of the lines. "Wh-where should I s-start?"

"Are you telling me..."

He nodded, taking a breath, starting to read. "Are you t-telling me, that my ch-children have been roaming about S-Salzburg-"

"Wait." She reached out and placed a finger under his chin, tilting her head. "Stand up as straight as you can. Speak from your belly. Get into the character, get moody! I know you can do it." 

He shifted, standing straighter and taking a deeper breath. Her touch made his heart race but when he met her eyes, her gaze was warm, encouraging. She picked him to help her because she knew he could do a good job, so he would do his best. Clearing his throat, he tried again. "Are you telling me that my children have been roaming about S-Salzburg dressed up in nothing but some old drapes?"

Maddy grinned, nodding to him proudly. "And having a marvellous time!"

"They have uniforms."

"Do it sterner, more aggressive."

"They have uniforms!"

Slowly, with Maddy's prompting, he became more confident in the lines. And with his prompting, she made it through the scene, and he admired her ability to jump into the character with such glee. She was so encouraging between her own lines and his, guiding him to be more assertive, more aggressive, and it was actually pretty fun to run the scene together. After a while it became unclear who was helping who- they helped each other through the lines, and it felt like they were playing a game, back and forth, matching each other's energy as they got into character.

"I don't care to hear more," he said mock-angrily, starting to turn away.

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