Chapter 14: This Is A Date!

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"What do girls like?"

Barbara looked up from the chopping board, surprise written all over her face, although Quasi couldn't see it, busy helping her peel potatoes so that he had an excuse to bring up their current conversation. "That's a very broad question, Quasi. What's the context?"

He shrugged, studiously avoiding her gaze. It was embarrassing, but now that he and Maddy were officially dating, he wasn't sure what happened next. His only experience was last year, and there hadn't been much opportunity to do anything other than hang out at school with Mich. But now he could do anything... if only he knew what to do. "Hypthetically... wh-when you have a girlfriend... what sh-should you do for her? How do you... b-be a good boyfriend?"

"Oh, I see." She smiled, turning back to the vegetables, obviously not buying the 'hypothetical' of the question. "Well, speaking as a former girlfriend and now wife, girls like it when boys put the effort in. Little gifts, sweet texts, quality time. Paul still buys me flowers every holiday, every birthday, every anniversary. Chocolates too. It shows that you care. Now, it doesn't have to be bouquets of roses, especially not for you teenagers- that gets expensive. But we all appreciate the little things."

He nodded seriously, taking in every word. Put the effort in, do the little things. That sounded reasonable. There was just one problem. "What if... you don't have any money?"

"Then you ask your always-supportive foster parents for it. Or do things that don't require money." She put down her knife, turning to him with a patient smile. "What's this really about, sweetie?"

Quasi blushed, shrugging casually. He might as well tell her, she was basically his mother, after all. "Um... I want to go on a d-date. With Maddy."

"Oh, knew it!" Barbara gasped, coming over to wrap her arms around him. Quasi tensed, but chuckled at her enthusiasm, embarrassed. "Look at you, dating girls and everything! I knew there was something between you two! I'm so proud of you!"

"It's very new," he murmured, unsure if he deserved all this praise. "I-I... don't really know what I'm d-doing."

"That's alright, sweetie, no-one does when they first start dating." She pulled back and playfully ruffled his hair, smiling wide. "You take her on a date. I'll give you the money. The movies are always a good place to start, if you wanted suggestions. It's dark, you can hold hands and kiss-"

"Mom!" He ducked away, blushing redder, waving her off. "Are you gonna b-be like this every t-time I go on a date?"

"I'm sorry, honey, I'll try not to embarrass you so much next time, I'm just excited for you!" Barbara paused, pressing her hands to her face, eyes wide. "Did you just call me mom?"

He stopped too, realising he had indeed called her mom for the first time. "Y-yeah, I guess I did," he mumbled, rubbing his neck. "I-is that okay?"

"Of course it is, Quasi. Come here." She opened her arms, and this time he came to her willingly, wrapping his arms around her. She rubbed his back softly, smiling as she rested her cheek on his head. "I'm proud of you, sweetheart."

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