Chapter 12: Kiss

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"A party?"

Quasi nodded, rubbing his arm nervously as Paul and Barbara exchanged glances on the couch. Asking to go to social events hadn't worked out well for him in the past, but he wasn't asking his father and this wasn't the Halloween Ball. This was his foster parents and a party with a girl who would make sure he had a good time. "Y-yeah. Maddy can drive me."

The two of them seemed to be able to communicate without words, a silent conversation passing between them as they considered the request. "Will it be a school night?" Barbara asked eventually.


"Will there be alcohol?"

"Um... maybe?"

Paul tilted his head. "We should set some ground rules."

"Yes." Barbara straightened up, beckoning Quasi to come sit closer. "Alright, Quasi. We both know what goes on at house parties. We would prefer you don't drink, but if you do, we're trusting you to be responsible. One drink an hour to keep clear-headed, two drinks to keep a buzz. If things get too rowdy, destructive, or intense, you call us and we'll bring you home."

"Your curfew is midnight," Paul added. "We'll leave the door unlocked. Think of this as a trial party. If it goes well, we can discuss a later curfew if you want one."

"Okay," Quasi agreed, surprised by how easy it was. "I'll be good. I p-probably won't even drink."

"Don't be too good." Barbara put her arm around him and gave him a playful squeeze. "We still want you to have fun. Just be responsible."

"I will." He hoped he could. He didn't quite know what that meant.

* * * * * *

[im outside. you ready?]

Quasi quickly said goodbye to his foster parents and headed outside when Maddy texted him, trying to ignore the horrible fear that wanted to settle in his chest at the thought of this party. He couldn't let himself be controlled by fear anymore, he just couldn't. Even if the last party-like event he attended ended up with him being humiliated on stage and on camera. Maddy wouldn't let that happen, though. He knew she wouldn't.

Maddy was putting her lipstick on in the rearview mirror when he got in, a dark red shade that was stark against her tanned skin, her blonde hair teased into a fluffy mane. She wore her leather jacket and a short black dress, and black stockings under her Docs. She looked wild and beautiful and Quasi felt his mouth go dry as he gazed at her, the fear of the party replaced with overwhelming butterflies in his belly that consumed his thoughts.

"Ready for your first party?" she grinned at him, tossing the lipstick into her bag and pulling onto the road, a Lorde song playing on the radio as the sun was starting to set.

"Yeah," he said faintly, unable to tear his eyes away from her, feeling like something in the air was different. The night was full of promise. Promise of what, he didn't know. "Sh-should I have, uh, dressed up? You look... nice."

"Thank you!" She smiled, glancing at him, probably unaware of how the butterflies flapped madly when her eyes met his. "No, you don't have to dress up. I just like to be the best dressed person in the room. Don't you think I look mysterious?"

Mysterious wasn't the first word he would have used, but he did see what she was going for. "Yeah. Mysterious," he agreed, smiling a little.

The party was in full swing when they arrived and parked halfway down the street that was lined with cars, the music loud and the lights bright. Quasi followed Maddy inside and watched as she greeted her friends loudly, heading to the kitchen where the drinks were. There were so many people and he was terrified that they were all staring at him but no one seemed to spare him a second glance. The noise and the crowd were overstimulating but he could almost feel anonymous in it, when everyone was too busy drinking and dancing and yelling to pay him any attention.

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