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The very next day, the news was circling around school that Alicia heard Timmy singing beautifully. Granted, that caused a lot of problems for the thirteen year old. Most people were asking him to sing again while others were asking him to be Troy.

Timmy told A.J., "I can't believe a genius like her is telling everyone that I can sing. I feel like Chip Skylark."

A.J. chuckled and stated, "Well, you might not have teeth like he does but I do think that you should be Troy in the play, Timmy."

Timmy cringed as A.J. sighed. The young genius knew that the young boy had his mind focused on one thing and one thing only....getting a present for his folks. Before he could try and tell Timmy off, Alicia came over. A.J. was tongue tied at her appearance.

Alicia went over to Timmy and said, "Hey, Timmy."

Timmy waved hello and introduced the tongue tied genius next to him. He said, "Hey, Alicia. I like you to meet A.J. Johnson. A.J., this is Alicia Grey."

A.J. went over to her and shook her hand rather gently. He stated, "It is an honor to meet you, Alicia."

Lionel, disguised as A.J. 's science book, sighed out of being annoyed. He knew right off that A. J. liked Alicia as did Timmy and his fairies [who were disguised as random objects that Timmy needed for the school day.] 'Well, at least he didn't come onto her with dead frogs like he did with Timantha.' Timmy thought.

Alicia slinked away from A. J. and said to Timmy, "Yeah. Anyways, I was hoping that you changed your mind about singing, Timmy."

Timmy blushed out of embarrassment and answered, jokingly, "How many people does that make for asking me to sing? Oh yeah! 1,000 people."

Alicia stated, "But, there are only 800 people in school."

Timmy commented, "Exactly my point."

As Alicia shot him a look; Trixie, Chester, Tootie, Veronica, and Remy came over. Iris was disguised as Trixie's headband, Roger was disguised as Chester's baseball mitt, Binky was disguised as Tootie's pin on her shirt, Cassie was disguised as Veronica's sparkly pen, and Juandissimo was disguised as Remy's watch.

Trixie responded, "Ah, come on Timmy. 'High School Musical' won't be the same without you as Troy."

Chester added, "And you know that things have changed since last time."

Tootie added, "Yeah, we'll help you practice singing in front of crowds."

Veronica added, "And we'll chip in with your parent's gift."

Remy asked, "Come on, Turner. What do you say?"

Timmy was silent as Alicia added, "No one wants to stay a stage hand forever."

Timmy sighed, knowing that he wasn't going to be left alone until he said yes. He told them, "Okay. Only on one condition. If you guys chip in for my parents' gift, I'll pay you back at the end of the play."

The friends and disguised fairies smiled as they all said, "Deal!"

As the pact was made, Timmy was seriously hoping that he would both paint sets and do the part of Troy.


Later that day at A.J.'s house, A.J. was alone with Alicia. Everyone else went home and Timmy was upstairs in his room, studying his lines.

A.J. stated, "I'm really impressed with you, Alicia. You really got the handle of Taylor."

Alicia smiled at A.J.'s compliment. She giggled and stated, "That's sweet of you to say, A.J." She turned to him and asked, "How long have you known Timmy?"

A.J. thought for a moment before answering, "I guess since forever."

Lionel poofed up some lemonade and acted like a human butler so A.J. could impress Alicia. A.J. winked at Lionel secretly and Lionel did the same. Lionel went into the kitchen so he could leave them alone.

Alicia added, "You know something. Timmy is a nice kid, don't get me wrong but there is something seriously wrong."

A.J. looked at her with sweat of worry on his brow. A.J. asked, nervous, "Like what?"

Alicia answered, without blinking an eye, "He talks to intimate objects, strange stuff happens around him all of the time, and once, I could've sworn that I saw him taking off in a flying De Lorean!"

A.J. paused for a second to remember what had happened nearly a year ago.



Timmy: (He is in the De Lorean with Doc, Marty, and Annie. A. J., Trixie, Tootie, Chester, and his fairies are down on the ground.) Doc, are you sure about this?

Doc: Have I ever been wrong?

Marty, Annie, and Timmy: Yes.

Doc: (He pouts sarcastically.) Thanks, you guys.

(With that, Doc gets the De Lorean up to 88 MPH, the De Lorean takes off, and zaps into time.)

-End of Flashback-


A.J. giggled at this a little uncomfortably. He responded, "Yeah. Timmy is a total adventure loving person."

Alicia commented, "He looks a lot like Cleft and Naked Lad."

A.J. perked up at this. He naturally knew that Timmy created the Cleft the boy Chin Wonder alias to help out the Crimson Chin. As for Naked Lad, he just went to the comic book store one time and Cosmo and Wanda forgot to dress him. A.J. just sat there, silent.

Alicia asked, "A.J., are you okay?"

A.J. shook his head and answered, "Uh, yeah. I'm alright, Alicia."

Alicia wasn't convinced. Overhearing their conversation, Lionel quickly ran in and told A.J., "Uh master Johnson. May I have a word with you?"

A.J. answered, "Of course Lionel."

With that, the two went into the kitchen while Alicia toured the house.


Wishmaker1028: Please read and review! And always think outside of the box! 

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