Ch 12: Bop to the Top and Breakin Free

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Overhearing Gabriella and Troy rehearse, Sharpay asks Ms. Darbus to move the callbacks so they start at the same time as both Troy's championship game and Gabriella's scholastic decathlon competition. Kelsi overhears the conversation, and both the basketball and decathlon teams make a plan together.

Darla said, "Game day. Callback day. Scholastic Decathlon day. HELP!"

Emotions were running high. In their Wildcat tracksuit and jacket, Chad and Troy walked up to Taylor and Gabriella and covered their eyes as Zeke placed on Gabriella's desk a cake that was shaped like the symbol of pi. On it, it had written: Scholastic Decathlon Today – Support Brain Fame!

Trixie and Alicia said, in unison, "Oh my goodness!"

Timmy told them, "A pi pie."

Trixie beamed at it and told them, "Oh. We have something for you too."

Taylor and Gabriella walked up to the white board and pointed at it to the basketball team. It was a drawing of someone shooting hoops with equations written all over it.

Trixie and Alicia said, in unison, "Ta-da!"

Timmy said, disappointed, "Oh. It's an equation."

The girls flipped the board over to reveal a poster of a Wildcat in a basketball uniform at a game about to slam dunk the ball. It read: 'Go Wildcat Hoopsters!' Then, they started throwing cushion basketballs at each other. Then the basketball team brought Sharpay and Ryan to the doorway as Ms. Darbus was about to enter.

Timmy said, "From our team, to yours."

They all said, one at a time, "G! O! D! R! A! M! A! C! L! U! B! Exclamation point!"

While doing so, they ripped open their jackets to reveal letters that spelt 'GO DRAMA CLUB!' Miss Darbus's eyes twinkled in excitement.

Ms. Darbus stated, "Well, it seems we Wildcats are in for an interesting afternoon."

As soon as she turned around, everyone inside the homeroom was rushing to get into their desks, ready for the day. Ryan remained at the doorway, trying to figure out the message.


At three o'clock, the halls of East High were empty. Quiet filled the school. There was a sense of anticipation – and then the bell rang! Doors burst open and students rushed into the halls. The school was buzzing with excitement.


In the gym, the stands were full of spectacular cheering and clapping. The school band was playing, the cheerleaders were dancing up a storm, banners were waving in the was time to decide who were the champions, once and for all!

In the locker room, Troy was sitting on the bench shirtless putting his shoes on alone in a section of the locker room. The others were dressed and ready to go. He could hear the crown being whipped into frenzy. All those hours of practice, all those drills, all that all came down to this night. Just then, his father, dressed in a suit, walked into the room.

Patrick asked, "How're you feeling?"

Timmy answered, taking a deep breath, "Nervous."

Patrick chuckled and confessed, "Me too. Wish I could suit up and play alongside you."

Timmy smiled and responded, "Hey. You had your turn."

His father looked at his son seriously as he sat on the bench in front of him. Patrick asked, "You know what I want from you today?"

Troy nodded. He didn't have to tell him twice...considering he's been telling them every single day.

Timmy answered, "A championship."

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