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A.J. asked Lionel as he poofed back into fairy form, "What is it, Lionel? Can't you see that I'm drowning out there?"

Lionel answered, "That's why I asked for you. I knew that I had to get you away from Alicia before she discovered your and Timmy's secret." A.J. peeked back out into the dining room and saw that Alicia was gone. A J. screamed as Lionel asked, "What's the matter, A.J.?"

A.J. answered, "Alicia! She's gone!"

Now it was Lionel's turn to scream. Timmy was too busy studying his lines to notice.

There was a knock at the door and Timmy started to say, "What's up, A...." Timmy saw Alicia and finished, "J."

Alicia smiled at him and asked, "Is this a bad time?"

Timmy giggled and answered, "No, not at all. Come on in."

Alicia did as she was bidden and Timmy closed the door behind her. Alicia told him, "Nice room." She saw Cosmo, Wanda, and Poof in their goldfish form and added, "Cool goldfish."

Timmy responded, "Thanks." Timmy turned to ask her, "What could I do for you?"

Alicia answered, "Well, I was hoping you could answer a few questions."

Timmy responded, "Fire away."

Alicia sat down on Timmy's bed and Timmy sat down next to her. Alicia asked, rapid fire, "How long have you known A.J.? Does he have a girlfriend? And...can I be your friend?"

Timmy smiled. He had no idea that Alicia was crushing on A.J. but he knew that A.J. was crushing on her.

He answered, "A.J. and I have known each other since kindergarten. We're like brothers. He doesn't have a girlfriend." Alicia smiled at this as Timmy added, jokingly, "Unless he forgot to tell me about it." Alicia looked at Timmy, not getting his joke. She blinked for a second, confused. Timmy noticed and added, "Never mind." He changed the subject and asked her, "Why would you ask me to be our friend?"

Alicia answered, "You seem like the leader of the crew...and the most respected. I could tell that all of your friends respect and admire you."

Timmy perked up at this. He knew that his friends respected and admired him. He knew that because his friends told him. But, he never expected this new girl to get that quickly. Frankly, he was impressed.

He told her, "Alicia, you have earned that MESA." Alicia smiled at his compliment. Timmy stated, "But, you still didn't answer my question."

Alicia sighed as she admitted, "Well, I'm a lot like Gabriella in the play. Although, it's my dad that gets transferred a lot instead of my mom."

Timmy smiled at her, sincerely. Timmy wrapped his arm around her and said, "I'm sorry about that, Alicia."

Alicia smiled at him and responded, "Well, you didn't know. And that brings me to my last question."

Timmy looked at her as he let go of her. He asked, "What's your last question?"

Alicia answered, with a question of her own, "What are you doing here in your best friends' house and not in your own home?"

Timmy sighed as he knew that was coming. He explained, "Well, about three years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson learned what kind of home I was living in and arranged this living arrangement for me. However, since my parents were deemed unworthy to be my parents, I've been living here ever since."

It was Alicia's turn to smile at him, sincerely. She wrapped her arm around him and said, "I'm sure sorry about that, Timmy."

Timmy responded, "Well, you didn't know. I guess we're two peas in the same pod."

Alicia smiled at this and told Timmy, "I better get back downstairs before A.J. and Lionel freak." Alicia turned to Timmy and asked, "I was wondering if we could have some pizza together sometime?"

Timmy smiled at her and answered, "Is tomorrow okay? I know the owner of Shirley's pizzeria."

Alicia smiled back at her new friend and responded, "Sounds good. I'll see you tomorrow."

With that, Alicia left his room and his fairies poofed out.

Wanda stated, "Oh, that poor girl. I feel bad for her."

Cosmo added, "She must really trust you in ordinary to tell you all of that stuff, Timmy."

Poof just said, "Poof, poof!"

Timmy responded, "I guess it's because, in an odd way, I am a lot like Troy."


May 6, 2005

3:15 p.m.

Dimmsdale, California

The very next day, Alicia had Trixie on the side. Trixie and Alicia became fast friends. Trixie was able to Alicia the whole story behind Timmy that he wasn't willing to share (except about Cosmo, Wanda, the time traveling, and the islanders). Alicia was in shock about this. But, this only made her like A.J. more.

Alicia asked Trixie, "So, how long have known A.J.?"

Trixie smiled at Alicia's blush at A.J.'s name but decided to ignore it. Trixie answered, "Since first grade." Trixie asked, trying to get a honest answer out of her, "Why?"

Before Alicia could try and answer; Mr. Bickles and Darla came onto the stage. Timmy waved hello at Darla as Mr. Bickles stated, "Now, some of you may know Darla Cortex but in case you don't, she'll be our MC on May 10. Seeing that we have four days since the play, I have hired Timmy for some help seeing that he will be playing Troy."

Mr. Bickles clapped his hands and two students that Timmy hadn't seen in a long time came on. It was Sanjay and Elmer!

Timmy smiled at them and commented, "Hey, Sanjay and Elmer. Long time no see."

They both said, in unison, "Hi, Timmy!"

Darla pouted and asked, jokingly, "What am I, chopped liver?"

Timmy giggled and answered, "Hey, Darla."

Darla stopped the pout and answered, "That's better."

Alicia asked Trixie, whispering, "How does Timmy know her?"

Trixie answered, whispering, "Oh, she's the good babysitter I was telling you about."

Alicia just nodded as they went into their practice.


Later that day, Timmy and his friends were at Shirley's pizzeria. After talking to Shirley about keeping it low pro about calling him 'mommy' , the group came in for pizza. Alicia got comfy as she decided to tell everyone the truth behind her. A.J. was stunned as everyone else felt bad for the young girl. Timmy knew that this wasn't going to be easy for Alicia but he knew that she would be friends with them forever...even if her dad got transferred again. Alicia smiled at her new friends as they got their large cheese pizza from Shirley.


The next three days, everyone was getting ready for the play. Timmy finally had enough money at the end of painting sets that he was able to pay his friends back. Alicia spent most of her free time with A.J. and a disguised Lionel. Trixie and Timmy were using most of their date time to help Timmy get over his stage fright and practice their songs. Eventually, the big night came and Mr. Bickles was on stage and all of his actors and actresses were backstage...


Wishmaker1028: Please read and review! And always think outside of the box! 

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